In captivity

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Caroline's new wolf above ⬆️

I opened my eyes again to see Caroline standing above me. "Caroline?" She didn't respond at first. "It's Alpha, not Caroline. You are not in my pack so you call me Alpha here." I looked to my left, blinked a few times, then faced her again. "Okay......Alpha" she nodded in approval and looked away. Pick her up, we have things to discuss. A man grabbed me by the shoulders and hoisted me up. My cheek stung and turned red. Caroline slapped me. I clenched my jaw and fought the urge to attack her. The man tightened his grip on my shoulders, he knew what I was thinking. I flexed my arm, letting him know I noticed. Caroline smirked at me. "As you're boyfriend told you, we usually don't keep people but we decided as a pack that if we torture you to death, it'll hurt him even more. After all, an Alpha can feel a Luna's pain. "B-but I'm not the Luna yet." The man and her both laughed. Caroline tilted her head. "Oh, you thought I was only after you? No, we killed the Alpha and Luna of your pack. They decided to throw me out. Their mistake." Anger built up in me. I am the Luna of my pack. I am in charge. I screamed so loudly that the birds flew out of nearby trees. "I was your friend! I tried to help you! I kept you safe!" She snapped and the guy punched me. I took advantage of his hand being off me and turned around. I punched him and he stumbled backwards. Then I turned to kick Caroline. She fell on the ground. I heard low growls and turned around slowly. There was a whole crowd of wolves all ready to pounce.
I had hurt the Alpha. Caroline got up and changed. Her fur was now black and her eyes were red. She growled at me. The only person who wasn't a wolf now was the man behind me who now had let go of my shoulders. I turned to face him and realized it was Justin. I gasped and he chuckled. "Miss me? Caroline took me in her pack since I know her secret. The other girls weren't good enough to be part of the pack. We had to get rid of them. She gave me the powers of a wolf." Caroline growled and snapped to get my attention. Her and the pack moved in closer. Charlotte appeared again.
Let me take over, I know how to use your new power
My eyes turned blue, I changed and Charlotte was in control.  I'm not sure what happened but I barked and all the wolves whimpered and stepped back. They were afraid. I looked behind them and realized that when I barked, a tree in front of me caught on fire. I did it when I barked.
I will let you take over again
I was in control again. I barked and another tree caught on fire. "I'll be leaving now." Everyone was silent except Caroline. She barked and pounced on my back. Then the whole pack ran at me. I barked louder this time and a ring of fire spread like sound waves. Several wolves caught on fire. Caroline lay on the ground I front of me covered in flames. I howled and heard Kyle howl back. I started running to him.

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