New Identities

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New Alyssa, New Rebecca, New house above ⬆️
If we were going to live here and be safe, we would need new identities. First of all, I threw my wedding ring as far into the ocean as I could. I don't want it. I don't care about legal stuff, I'm divorcing him.
We both dyed our hair red. I threw away my phone and laptop. Along with my credit cards. (After I took the money out of my account) I bought a house with three bedrooms just in case we need an extra. (you can see the house in the picture) Its the kind of house you would see and know it's an Italian house. It's a house where people used to shoot movies.
My mom used to take me to London every summer. It was our tradition. I was thinking that I could do the same with Rebecca.
I sighed and looked up at the inside of our house. It was still pretty dull and empty. I'll fix that.
"Rebecca! Come here please!" She came running down the stairs with a smile. "Yes?" She asked politely. "It's time to go shopping." Her grin grew wide as she put on her shoes.
We had a lot of furniture that would be delivered in a few days. We set all our stuff down on the floor. "We need to go enroll you in school." She sighed. "If I have to......"
The principal was a short, bald man. He spoke very softly. He gave us a tour of the school. Rebecca was gonna love this place. Then it hit me. I need to change her name! And mine! "Oh, sorry I forgot to mention but we call her Jackie so if you can put that instead of Rebecca, that would be great." He smiled and crossed out something on his paper then wrote something else. "Great. I hope to see you on Monday Jackie." She smiled back politely. My new name will be Jessica.
When we got home, I picked up the newspaper that laid on the doormat. Right across the top it said, "husband that attacked husband and wife turns to into wolf" this should be interesting.
Oh great, he is being taken to a lab to be experimented on. It's nice to know that "Jackie" and I are safe.
Five years later
My alarm went off and I sat up in bed. I groaned as I turned it off. I layer back down for a second. I listened to hear if Jackie was up yet. She was. I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen. Jackie was making a bowl of Frosted Flakes. "Good morning mom." She said "Good morning." I replied while running my hand through my hair. I stumbled back into my room and looked in the closet. I picked up one of my favorite dresses. It had a flower pattern made of lace on the side. I fixed my hair into a bun and grabbed a pair of white pumps. I grabbed my keys,my phone, my wallet, and my purse then walked back into the kitchen. Jackie wasn't there. Hmmmmm. I set my stuff on the counter and walked to her room. She wasn't there either. "Jackie?" I called. A few minutes later, she answered. "I'm down here!" I looked down the stairs and saw her sitting on the couch. "Are you ready to go?" She nodded. I grabbed my stuff off the kitchen counter and went downstairs. Jackie threw her book bag on and we walked outside towards the car. I dropped Jackie off and started heading to my job. I'm a fashion designer. As soon as I pulled in the parking lot, my phone beeped. I pulled it out of my purse and looked at it:
I'm still your husband. Don't think I won't come back.
Then my phone went haywire. It went to safari and searched the recent news. He hacked my phone! The news headline said:
Cops went crazy and arrested innocent man.
Below it read:
The man who "tried to kill his family",is innocent. The cops were said to be crazy when they claimed he was a wolf. Investigators looked into the case, there is no wife or daughter. The man who was accused will be released tomorrow morning.

Nooooooo! He can't be released! This can't be happening!
Then it hit me. There is something I can do that will stop him.
You can always find your mate

but you can't find your mate if they reject you

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