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As much as I hated to, I had to reject Kyle. He was a danger to my family. A rejection is supposed to be said to their face. What if I don't? What if I can't? I have to find him. I pulled out of the driveway and headed out of town. I dialed my boss' number.
My boss: Hello Alyssa
Me: hi, sorry
I can't come in to work today. I have a family emergency.
My boss: ok, I will have somebody else sort the plans for now. Thanks for letting me know ahead of time.
Me: your welcome, I'll see you tomorrow. Hopefully.
My boss: I hope so too. Bye.
My boss was pretty nice. She wasn't the kind of boss that yelled at you for missing a day of work. She'll yell at you if you don't have a good excuse.
I pulled over the car. Kyle's scent filled my nose. I got out of my car. Perfect, I'll just find him then reject him. All of a sudden I was up against my car. "It's not gonna be that easy." He held me to my car by my shoulders. "Please let go." I struggled to get free. He didn't respond. "I've missed you." He kissed me while I still struggled. "Stop it! We need to talk!" He placed a finger to my lips to shush me. "You won't reject me if you want to keep Rebecca safe." I gave him a confused look. "Rebecca?" If I wanted to keep her safe, I would have to act. "Your daughter." I started to "cry". "Oh, right. I try not to think of her. Rebecca....she's......dead." I turned away from him. Now he was distracted. I could do it now. "Kyle Jennings I reje-" he covered my mouth. "You will not reject me." He commanded while staring into my eyes. I shook my head. I'll have to go along with it. I threw my arms around his neck. "I miss you too." I tried so hard to not think about how I was lying. He smiled. "I knew you did."
We eventually got in his car and he drove us to an apartment. You can stay here with me. We spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies.
He was in the shower when I got the idea. The shower here had a transparent sliding door. I'll trap him in somehow then reject him that way. I walked in. I used my belt as a rope my tied the handle so he couldn't get out. He looked confused. I smiled. "Kyle Jennings, I reject you." He started banging on the door. "No! You're still my wife!" I showed him my finger that used to have his ring on it. This made him bang even harder. "Goodbye Kyle." My vision went blurry for a second then it came back. Wow, I'm free. Once again, I stuck my middle finger up at him. Then I ran. I changed so I could get there quicker.

I ran past a group of people that were looking for werewolves. Crap! They started to chase me. Eventually, I stopped and turned to face them. They pulled out their cameras but were disappointed. "It's just a normal wolf. I wonder where it came from." One guy said. "Maybe it's from the rescue shelter down the street." Another one said. I growled. They backed away. "Well I'm not staying to find out." The first one said. They all agreed and ran back to where they first saw me.
Phew, that was close. I had to go home and change.
I made it just in time to pick Jackie up from school. "How was your day?" She giggled. "Good." She responded. "What's so funny?" She giggled again. "Your hair is a mess." I quickly looked in my mirror and fixed my hair. "Today was a busy day. I was running around and taking care of things." It wasn't a lie.... I just didn't give details. She nodded. "Oh ok." We got home and she went upstairs. She did her homework pretty fast then she watched TV. While she was doing that, I thought about what to do if Kyle finds us. Just then someone knocked on the door. I looked through the window and saw it was Kyle. I locked the door and ran into Jackie's room. "I need you to stay up here quietly. Hide in the closet. Lock the door and don't make a sound." She nodded and turned the TV off. I went and hid in my room across the hall. The front door busted down and everything went silent. He went upstairs and I heard another door bust open. "Rebecca!" He yelled. "Daddy's home!" Another door fell and Jackie screamed. I ran to her room to find her unconscious in his arms. I felt a rage build up inside me. "Put. My. Daughter. Down." He smiled and pulled out a knife. "What if I don't want to?" I was about to lose it. He moved the blade to her neck. "I will kill you! Leave her alone!" He moved the blade away. "Oh, I'm terrified." He laughed. I took a deep breath. Here goes nothin. I changed and lunged at him. He missed Jackie's neck but left a slash on her arm . She fell to the ground. I clawed at his face as he helplessly screamed. He changed and threw me off. He grabbed Jackie's shirt with his mouth and dragged her out the room. When they were half way down the stairs, I jumped on his back, knocking him down. I kept clawing at him until he couldn't move. Jackie was still laying on the stairs. She had hit her back. Maybe in the spine. She wasn't moving. I changed and ran to her. "Jackie! Jackie!" I ran upstairs and put on clothes then came back and pulled out my phone. Kyle was still unconscious. I dialed 911.....again.
911: 911, what's your emergency?
Me: you know that crazy man that was proved innocent because no wife or child were found?
911: yes, what about it
Me: well I am the wife...well was. And he injured my daughter. He is a wolf person and is unconscious on the floor in my den. My daughter is unconscious on the stairs.
911: oh wow, I'll send someone right over. What is your location?
I told her the address
911: Hang tight. In case he gets up, grab a weapon or something hat could be used as a weapon.
Me: thank you, I will.
911: your welcome, buh bye now.
Me: bye
I hung up and looked where Kyle was. HE'S GONE. Jackie was still there. All of a sudden, hands covered my mouth. Kyle was behind me. I swung my foot back and kicked him right where it would hurt the most. He fell to the ground with his hands tucked in between his legs. "Ow!" He yelled. I heard police sirens outside and grabbed Jackie. I ran outside with her in my arms. The ambulance and police cars were nowhere near. I could only hear them in the distance. I turned back towards the house to see Kyle lunging at me. He was a wolf again. All I remember next was dropping Jackie and claws slashing across my throat. Then everything went black.

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