Unexpected visit

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Chic-fil-a was pretty empty. There were two people other than me and Stephanie. Stephanie slowly picked the pickles off her sandwich and gave them to me. she always did this. I wish she knew my secret, then I could talk to her about the move. But I could tell her about the marriage. Right? "So I have something important to tell you." She paused and looked up at me. "Ok,go on" she said. I wiggled my engagement ring in front of her face. "I'm getting married!" Her jaw dropped and everyone there stared at me. I ducked my head down. "Sorry." Everyone kept doing what they were doing before I yelled.
"Shes getting married to a doofus." A voice said from behind me. Anger built up in me. I was gonna slap the person but when I turned around, I froze. Caroline stood a few feet away leaning over a crutch. She had a cast on another arm and burn marks all over her. Stephanie got up and ran to her. "omg Caroline you came back! What happened to you?!" Caroline smirked at me but Stephanie didn't see. "I came over to see Alyssa and she shoved me in the fireplace. I got out okay but I'm messed up pretty badly." Stephanie turned to me. "Alyssa you did that?" I laughed. "Of course I didn't."
Stephanie turned back to Caroline. "You would be lying if you said you didn't do this to me." Caroline spat. Stephanie looked back at me. "Yeah I did it but only because you attacked me with your 'buddies'!" Stephanie gasped. "So Caroline ganged up on you and you did that to her?" I nodded. Caroline smirked again, I didn't like the looks of this. "We should tell Stephanie the whole story." I shook my head. "You wouldn't." Caroline nodded. "Everyone get out except these two." Nobody listened. She changed and barked at them. Everyone scattered and ran outside. Stephanie tried to leave but Caroline grabbed her shirt in between her teeth and pulled her back. Stephanie screamed. Caroline went crazy. She lifted her paw to attack Stephanie. I changed and jumped in between them, knocking Caroline over.
I sent a thought into Stephanie's head.
Hop on my back, I'll get you out of here.
Stephanie hopped on and I dashed out the door and into the woods. Caroline was following us. I ran around a few trees to mix up my scent and started heading towards my house.
We got inside and ran upstairs. I picked some clothes with my teeth and
went in the bathroom to change. I walked out and hugged Stephanie.
"I'm sorry." Caroline started clawing at the door. "Oh god." I pulled out my phone and called Kyle.
Kyle: yes?
Me: Caroline is after me and Stephanie. Help!
Kyle: where are you?!
Me: I'm in my room, she's outside about to break the door down!
Kyle: do exactly what we did last time! Go out the back! I'm on my way!
Me: okay! See you later!
I hung up and grabbed Stephanie's arm. I pulled her to the back door and we ran out. My chest started to hurt again.
It's happening again, I'll take over
Caroline too over and ran with Stephanie until the pain faded away. It was only in that one area. I gained control again and I started running to a truck that was parked on the road ahead. I hopped in the back and pulled Stephanie up with me. "Stay down!" I whispered. Caroline ran past the truck and we hopped out and ran the opposite way. Caroline smelled us out and turned around. Just as she was crossing the road, she fell. Someone had shot her with a tranquilizer dart. I looked around and saw Kyle walking towards us smiling. Stephanie was terrified. "Don't talk to me. I don't want to be a part of this." She ran away. I let her.
Kyle and I dragged Caroline through the woods. When we got back to our territory, we placed her I front of the oak tree. Kyle and I howled (you can howl without being in wolf form) in unison and the pack came together. Kyle began to speak. "Caroline used to be a well known member of our pack. When she was banned, she turned against us. She killed many members of our pack an injured most. She is a danger to all wolves. We must hold a releasing ceremony." Everyone gasped. Releasing ceremonies were very rare.

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