Rogue attack

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I was walking home from the bus stop and Kyle ran up to me. "We have to go. Now!" He was worried. I ran with him into some bushes. We snuck into my backyard and though the back door. I still hadn't asked why. We went up to my room and I threw my bag on the floor. "So what happened?" He rushed over to my window and closed the blinds. "Rogue attack. The pack of rogues is after you." My eyes got wide. "Me? Why?" He peeped through the blinds. "Because Caroline is their Alpha now and she hates your guts. Also, they want to take you so I will be a weak leader when I'm Alpha. Wolves are weak without their mates." I stayed quiet. "Well let them take me then come back later with more wolves and get me back." She shook his head. "You don't get it. If anyone of them takes you, you would be dead before anyone could get you. They wouldn't keep you. They love to kill." I hugged him. "Thank you for helping me with this." He kissed my forehead and muttered. "It'll be okay." We heard banging on the front door. "My parents are down there!" I whispered. He grabbed my wrist and pulled my out the back door. "We're gonna have to run. Let your wolf take over if we need to fight, your wolf is always stronger." We started to run and the banging stopped. Now there were footsteps coming our way. No, this can't be happening. They were gonna get us. It's over for me. Maybe I can control them too. "We're gonna be fine. Don't try, the rogues can't be controlled, they're completely mad." I nodded even though he probably couldn't see it. "We need to get you to a safe place." He whispered. I felt a sharp pain in my chest and slowed down. Charlotte appeared in front of me.
You're getting a new ability somehow but I can't tell what it is
I nodded as I struggled to keep going. "I-I can't." I mumbled as I fell to the ground. The last thing I saw was Kyle kneeling next to me with wide eyes. He was yelling something but before I could tell what it was, everything went black.

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