Im gonna kill you when I find you

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Rebecca now ⬆️

Rebecca was four now. She still had some trouble controlling her wolf but it was better now. We planned to homeschool her until she could control the wolf. Kyle was different now. Like a robot, he showed no emotion. It started this week. He's been quiet. Something was bothering him and I'm gonna find out what it is. For the past few days, he's been staring at his phone. He walked in the room with a large suitcase. "I packed our stuff. We need to leave. Now." I was watching the Little Mermaid with Rebecca when he said this. I walked into a separate room. "What are you talking about?" I questioned. He showed me his phone.
You took someone I love so now I'll take someone you love.
What was that supposed to mean? CAROLINE'S MATE. I remember seeing him at one point when I was there but I ignored him. He was the kind of guy that you wouldn't want to mess with. The kind of guy who you can't help but stare at his muscles. Someone called his name. What was it? Hmmmmmmmm. oh right Darren! "Darren." I murmured. Kyle looked confused. "Caroline's mate" I said in the same tone. All of a sudden, I heard a bark then a scream. Kyle and I ran where Rebecca was to find her gone. The living room was trashed now. I sat on the couch with my face in my hands and cried. "This is my fault. I shouldn't have left her alone." Kyle rubbed my back. "You didn't know. It's okay, it's only worse if you blame yourself. Then you'll never find her." I stood up. He was right. "I'm gonna kill him when I find him. Give me your phone." Kyle passed me his phone and I called the number the text came from.
Me: I know you have her!
Darren: Yeah, Don't worry. She's safe, for now.
Me: If you hurt her I swear I will murder you! It will be a replay of what happened last time I saw you except I will make sure you burn to death!
Darren: Your flame barks don't scare me. I can take pain. I love it.
Me: well you're gonna stop loving it when I get to you!
Darren: I'd like to see you try to follow me. We're at the airport, you'll never find us after we get on the plane.
Darren: I don't care. I need a new mate and she's perfect.
Darren: I don't care. I need a mate.
Darren: We're boarding our plane now. I've gotta go....
He hung up before I could answer. I hugged Kyle and cried into his chest. He had heard our conversation. "We will find her." He said as he kissed the top of my head.
Kyle and I howled in unison and the pack came together. "Darren, Caroline's former mate has stolen Rebecca from us." They sat in silence for a moment. "Split into two groups of seven please. Make sure you have strong wolves on both teams." They separated into two groups quickly and quietly. "Now, group number one.
You will go to any airports they could've possible gone to and check for
Rebecca's scent or his. You'll find his scent in his house." He handed a piece of paper with Darren's address on it to one person in both groups. They nodded. "Group two, you will go to his camp and look for him and any clues. If you find any, follow him. If you can't, go to my house and see if his scent is anywhere around there. Both groups will start at his house to get his scent." Both groups headed in the same direction. We will find her.

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