Great Power

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I ran glanced at the mirror and saw that my eyes were blue instead of brown. The person I looked at wasn't me though, it was Charlotte. She winked. "What are you doing? I thought you stayed in my head."
"Your new power allows me to come out of your head. If I want, I can actually stand next to you. Only you would see me though." I nodded. "Oh" I didn't know what else to say. My reflection came back but now Charlotte was next to me. We stared at each other then shrugged and hugged each other.
Today Kyle wasn't at school. I knew he had a family issue, I could sense it. Justin put his arm around me and smiled. He was about to kiss me but I told him not to. He took his arm away and left.
Caroline was upset. I knew it. I needed to find her. I heard screaming outside and I ran to it. Caroline had changed and was about to jump on a few girls. I yelled stop at Caroline and she froze in mid air. "Run and don't tell anyone what you saw. It was only a dream." They ran with their mouths shut. "Continue." Caroline fell to the ground. "Get into the woods. Now." She ran into the woods. I grabbed my gym clothes from my locker and followed her. I threw the clothes at her and turned my back to her so she could get dressed.
"Done." She said quietly. I turned around.
"Why would you do that? I almost had them!" She yelled. "You can't reveal our secret!" She huffed and puffed (and blew my house down haha jk) she stomped around yelling gibberish to herself for a while. Then she faced me. "If you let me kill them, they wouldn't know our secret!" Does she not understand?
"If I let you kill them it would be worse! Do you want to be kicked out of the pack?!" She shook her head. "The pack doesn't have to know." I nodded. "And I won't tell them but if you killed them, the pack would find out." We heard some leaves crunch and turned to look. Justin stood there with Kyle. They had heard. "Head back to school." Kyle said to Justin. Justin shook his head and stayed put. I stepped up to Justin, looked him in he eye and said "Go back to class Justin and act as if you heard nothing about this." He nodded and ran towards the school building. Kyle stood and stared at us for a minute. "I have to report this. It's my duty to the clan." Caroline took a step back. "Please Kyle." He shook his head and ran off. Caroline was about to chase him but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "You should go now." I said.

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