Secrets revealed

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"Caroline?!" She laughed. "So now you know my secret." She giggled. "And you know mine."she nodded. We tried our best to hug each other but it didn't exactly work. Btw, we were thinking this conversation so it was a little awkward looking. She bowed her head and stepped off to the side just like everyone else did. When everyone was finished, the alpha bowed his head and everyone started leaving. Some stayed and chatted though. Caroline and I ran around for what seemed like forever. After we left, we went to my house and I let her borrow some clothes. "Why didn't you tell me?" I tried not to laugh at her. I was a lot taller than her so my shirt looked like a dress on her. "Well if you were a regular person, you would've been freaked out. We can't tell anyone. If you do, you get released from the pack." Two years ago, a woman from our pack fell in love with a human and told him her secret. She was kicked out and two months later, he left her alone." I frowned. "That sucks." She nodded. "Don't worry, you'll find your mate. I did. It's that super hot wolf named Tyler." I giggled. "Wait and Kyle,the school bad boy, is a wolf too?" She nodded and I burst out laughing. All of a sudden my phone beeped. I picked it up and saw a text from a random person.
Meet me by the gym doors after school tomorrow. Don't worry, I'm not a creep or anything.
I walked over to the gym doors and saw Kyle standing there. "I thought you said you weren't a creep." I laughed. He just leaned against the door frame smiling. "So what did you want to talk about?" He looked around before motioning me closer. "I'm your mate." He whispered in my ear. "What? I-already?" He nodded and pulled me in for a hug. I smiled and let him wrap his arms around me.
"Caroline!" I yelled into the phone. "Yes?" She asked. "I need you to come over now!" She hung up and a few minutes later, she knocked on my door. "What do you need?" She asked. "I found my mate." I said a little too loudly. Her jaw dropped. "OMG, who is it?" I hesitated. "Kyle." She burst out laughing. "Bad boy Kyle?" I nodded. And punched her to make her stop laughing. "Ow!" She rubbed her arm. I laughed this time. We looked at each other and just laughed.
I looked at my phone for the time and saw another text from Kyle.
So I guess we're together now.....right?
I hesitated then smiled at my phone.
I put my phone on my dresser and walked out of my room.

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