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We have now arrived at the apartments and I can see by your face that you are quiet astonished by what you see. I told you everything here was absolute perfection, and sometimes that is quiet hard on the unaccustomed mortal eye. Everything in your day to day life will be like this. It will fill you with this sense of wanting and knowing. All of these colors will make you want to learn and grow as a person. Just imagine the things you will create. A new perfection is on our horizon. We will see our shades in a new way. We will blink in a way no one ever thought possible, even the highest veterans of ultraviolet. Some people change our vision and some people don't. Please don't just lie in our allies and waste your ever burning talent for nothing. Do something. Good or bad. Happy or sad. You must create. You will be a slave to the detail. Intricate and immaculate works will transcend from your mind to ours and I don't expect anything less than perfect from you. Tomorrow will be your first day on your own. Tomorrow will be the day you discover your raging creative outlet. The one that has been crushed and hidden away by your past world. You have got to glue those pieces back together. Don't let that nasty place ruin you. Here you are safe. We will support you. We will not tear you down. There's your door up ahead. Your room will cause your mind to explode into a new mindset. The one where creativity is free to wander and destroy everything in its path. Are you ready for this? Are you ready for even your destruction to become life changing art? I hope so, because I can see the bags underneath your eyes and you need some rest. Shall we continue?

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