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May 24, 19—
My day was filled with unending adventures. My guide picked me up as soon as the sky started fading into the blue day. She told me we were going somewhere life changing. Somewhere to help me find my true self. Somewhere where I would feel no horrid resistance or hesitations. I wouldn't feel the need to be shy or hide away. Somewhere where I felt welcome. She told me that every new person comes here to see what things have been created, so that we could create new, fresh things. I was wreaking with excitement, and it was everything she described it to be and more. The whole room was covered in beds with strings of lights. It looked quite ominous. I went on with it anyways, and my guide told me to wrap myself up in the lights from head to toe and put on the headphones that where hanging on the bedpost to my left. I laid supine on the bed, with lights and headphones applied, and I felt absolute euphoria. A million and one creative thoughts ran through my head every minute that passed by. I saw millions of creations that never died, regardless of the state of their current creators. I saw the real point of art. It is to create something that will make people feel. That will make you feel. It doesn't have to be perfect technically, but if it has purpose and meaning, it is everything it needs to be and more. I saw and heard countless forms of art. I heard the legends of music and saw the master artists. The ones, wildly famous or not, who had perfected their art, regardless of whether or not everyone approved of it or not. I learned that you don't have to live for the approval of others. You need to live to express your true self, even if it means people disliking that. You don't exist to please. You exist to express. That's all you are required to do. I stayed there for around twelve hours. The sky was a beautiful violet when I left that place which left me awestruck. My guide and I bought blueberry smoothies and made our way back to my apartment. I invited her in as a common courtesy, but she insisted on not intruding, saying "it was rude to enter someone's house unless there was a state of emergency. Ultraviolet code." She promised to bring me a copy of The Ultraviolet Code so I would feel more at home here. I've been lying in my bed singing about prancing through valleys of endless daisies and roses, all painted in the most ultraviolet of colors of course. I read somewhere that we are supposed to dream in black and white, but now I dream in blue and purple. I feel like a completely transformed person. I know that's what they claimed would happen when I came here, but I never believed it to be true. Now I believe it and I'm living it. Living in a state of dreaming.

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