just dance.

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Mikey: no one will now if I just order a small pizza. *pulls out phone*
Me: Mikey put the phone down.
Mikey: fine.
Me: i think i know how to make you happy.
Mikey: how?
Me: a dare.
Mikey: really!
Me: really, hey guys!
Donnie: what?
Me: there's a dare.
Raph: for who?
Me: all of you.
Leo: great.
Mikey: awsome.
Me: ok so this one is from firestormdmg and the dare is for all of you to play Just Dance with the song Circus.
Mikey: cool!
Me: lets do this.*turns on game and music plays*
*boys start to dance*
Raph: dancing it had to be dancing.
Mikey: don't be a sour grape bro this is fun.
*Karai and April walk in*
April: hey guys...what are you doing?
Karai: I think we should have stayed shopping longer.
Donnie: it was a dare.
Karai: have fun with that.
Leo: don't worry you two will have a dare sooner or later.
April: sure.
*dancing continues*
Karai: this is the most disturbing thing I've seen in a while.
Raph: shut up.
Leo: Raphael be nice.
*music stopped*
Donnie: finally!
Karai: I can't wait to show this to Father.
Leo: you were recording that!
Karai: yeah.
Leo: delete it, now.
Karai: or what? *raises eyebrow*
Leo: or else I'll tickle you.
Raph: oh so the oh so tough Karai is ticklish.
Karai: Hamato Leonardo don't you dare! *backs up slowly*
Leo: oh I dare. *smirks*
Karai: Leo..
Leo: *tackles Karai* ha! *begins to tickle*
Karai: *Hahaha* stop *giggle* please... I'll delete it.
Leo: promise?
Karai: promise *laughs*
Leo: ok. *stops tickling*
Karai: I'm going to kill you when you get off of me.
Leo: I'm so scared. *gets up and runs away laughing*
Karai: get back here!
Me: well while they kill each other Mikey.
Mikey: Ask, Dare, Comment!

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