more Leo and Karai

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Leo: *sleeping on couch*
Karai: *walks out of her room*
Leo: *falls off couch*
Karai: Leo you okay? *kneels in front of him*
Leo: I'm fine thanks.
*my tablet dings*
Karai: what was that?
Leo: *picks it up* it's Becca's tablet.
Karai: turn it on.
Leo: *turns on tablet* oh a dare.
Karai: for who?
Leo: us.
Karai: who's it from and what is it?
Leo: well Dragon_Slayer228 dare us to make out...
Karai: well what are you waiting for?
Leo: oh come here you. *picks up her up and carries her to his room*
Karai: *shuts door*
Leo: *squeezes her butt, kisses hard*
Karai: *kisses harder*
Leo: *kisses down neck*
Karai: *Leo hits sweet spot, moans loudly* oh..Leonardo... Baby...
Leo: *lays her on his bed*
Karai: *hits bed with Leo on top of her*
Leo: *pulls her shirt up a little and looks up to make sure she's okay with it*
Karai: *blushes deeply and takes shirt off*
Leo: *blushes and kisses her softly*
Karai: *kisses back and pulls his mask off*
Leo: *licks lips again*
Karai: *rolls them over so she's on top*
Leo: *moans*
Karai: *kisses his chest*
Leo: K...Karai oh baby I love you! *blushes madly*
Karai: I love you too Weo sweet heart.
Leo: my Rai-Rai. *nose kisses*
Karai: all yours baby.


Me: *walks into lair* now where did I leave it?
Mikey: leave what?
Me: my tablet.
Mikey: oh here.
Me: thanks Mikey!
Mikey: you're welcome.
Me: *turns on tablet* oh my..
Mikey: what?
Me: oh nothing.
Mikey: okay see ya. *walks out*
Me: see ya, *walks to Leo's room* hey Leo come here.
Leo: not now!
Me: you okay?
Leo: I'm fine.
Me: you sound kinda upset.
Leo: I'm occupied at the moment...
Me: oh?
Karai: he's busy okay!!
Me: *blushes slightly* uh...bye!

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