The Great Switching Of Partners.

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Quick note.
I'm sure I'm missing dares so if I haven't got your dare done please message me.

Me: guys....guys....guys...GUYS!!!
Mikey: yea?
Raph: what!?
Leo: you called.
Me: we have a dare.
Karai: oh great.
Me: *shows them*
Leo: nononononono!
Donnie: absolutely not!
April: pass.
Karai: never ever ever! *grabs Leo*
Leo: *hugs Karai* no way!
Mikey: uh what about me?
Raph: he has a point, we don't have girlfriends.
Me: I can fix that, by request of the darer I present to you Mona Lisa and Renet!
Mona: what the...
Mikey: Renet!! *hugs her*
Renet: hey Mikey! *hugs back*
Raph: M..Mona?!?! *jaw drops*
Mona: hello Raphael.
Leo: how did you do that?
Me: author powers!!
Karai: whoa.
Mona: why are we here?
Tay: hey guys...*confused look* yea I'm leaving.
Leo: someone dares us to switch partners.
Renet and Mona: *still confused*
*lots of explaining later*
Mona: well let's get this over with
Mikey: hey Becca, what about you?
Me: funny.
Karai: you don't have a boyfriend?
Me: nope, I'm as single as the number one!
April: really?
Me: I think I'd know if I had one.
Leo: why don't you?
Karai: Leo, stop being nosy!
Me: long story, anyway I'm better off alone, well enough about me on with the dare.
Raph: can't you just use your author powers and make us not have to do this?
Me: I don't know, I'm just learning about it, wonder what I can do...
Mikey: can you make pizza?
Me: let's find out. *snaps, pizza instantly appears*
Mikey: wow.
Me: *cracks knuckles, lazer shoots from hands* opps.
Mikey: she's gonna kill us!
Me: oh relax, anyway, HAT!
Tay: here.
Me: thank you. *mixes names in hat* okay Leo you first.
Leo: *gulps**picks out name*
Raph: well?
Leo: it's um uh...Mona...
Raph: what?!
Mona: *sighs*
Karai: *hisses**death glare on Mona*
Me: Donnie.
Donnie: *reads name* oh shell nah!
Me: what's wrong?
Donnie: I am not doing this.
Leo: why not?
Donnie: I don't wanna die.
Raph: well who'd you get? *reads his card* ohh...
Mikey: who is it?
Donnie: Karai...
Leo: *growls*
Karai: fu...
Leo: you're a dead man Donnie.
Me: oh and you guys can't hurt each other until tomorrow.
Leo: we have to do this all day?!
Me: yep.
Raph: *picks name* it's Renet.
Me: and Mikey gets April, oh and you have to kiss every hour.
All: WHAT!?!?
Leo: it's bad enough I'm separated from Karai!
Donnie: I don't like this. *crosses arms*
Me: and neither do I but it's a dare now go on with your lives.
Leo: *looks at Karai, sighs and walks to dojo*
Mikey: one question.
Me: yes?
Mikey: do we have to act like a couple?
Me: yes.
Raph: why did I have to sign up for this?!
Mikey: hey April wanna play video games with me?
April: sure.
Karai: well this stinks.
Donnie: Leo is going to kill me!
Karai: yea.
Clock: *dings*
Renet: already?
Me: yea, now go on guys you know what to do.
Mikey: *gulps**quickly kisses April*
Raph: *rolls eyes, kisses Renet* this sucks.
Leo: *reluctantly kisses Mona*
Donnie: *kisses Karai*
Karai: worst day ever, not to be rude Donnie.
Donnie: the feelings mutuel.

Hour later.

Mona: *talking with Renet*
Renet: *talking with Mona*
Karai: I'm bored.
Leo: h..hey Karai.
Karai: Leo!
Leo: um..after this is all over we're gonna be together, right?
Karai: of course.
Leo: good!
Clock: *dings again*
Leo: crap!
Mona: *kisses Leo*
April: *kisses Mikey*
Mikey: this is weird.
April: yea.
Renet: *kisses Raph*
Raph: I hate this.
Renet: me too.
Karai: *kisses Donnie*
Donnie: I miss April.
Karai: i miss Leo.

Leo: *watching space hero's*
Mona: *sits next to him*
Leo: hey Mona.
Mona: hello Leo, what are you watching?
Leo: space hero's, wanna watch?
Mona: okay.
*show ends*
Mona: it's interesting.
Leo: no one watches it with me, well except Karai and Becca.
Mona: why don't other watch it, it's a good show.
Leo: they think it's stupid.
Mona: pity.

Raph: punching dummy*
Renet: *talking about random stuff*
Raph: *grunts*
Renet: what do you think?
Raph: hmm.
Renet: well?
Raph: hmm.
Renet: Raph!
Raph: oh uh yea sounds okay?
Renet: were you even listening?
Raph: what was that?
Renet: now i know why you don't have a girlfriend.
Raph: *sighs and keeps punching*
Renet: you know Raph if you would be a little nicer and...
Raph: could you just stop talking!?
Renet: sorry.
Raph: i like to train in quiet.
Renet: sorry i will go get a snack.

Mikey: come on April.
April: I'm trying, I'm not good at video games.
Mikey: that's why I'm here.
April: can we do something else?
Mikey: like what?
April: i could teach you some recipes?
Mikey: okay sounds good.
April: great lets go.

Donnie: *working under shellrazer* screwdriver.
Karai: *hands him screwdriver*
Donnie: light.
Karai: *gives him a flashlight*
Donnie: thank you.
Karai: *sits on workbench* I'm bored.
Donnie: hmm.
Karai: are you listening?
Donnie: hmm.
Karai: April had a heart attack.
Donnie: WHAT!?!?
Karai: relax I'm just teasing.
Donnie: funny....
Karai: i know i am.

Next day.

Tay: hey guys I'm back!
Donnie: *drinking coffee* i thought you were leaving.
Tay: my flight got cancelled so I'm leaving tomorrow.
Me: cool, i can torment you again!
Tay: oh no you don't.
Me: '*sticks tongue out*
Raph: can we all act our ages now?
Me: no being grown up is so boring!
Tay: she makes a good point.
Mikey: who wants pizza?!
Me: ME!!!! *runs to kitchen*
Tay: so where did Mona and Renet go?
Donnie: they left early this morning.
Leo: ohhh Donnie!
Donnie: *drops cup of coffee* I'm dead. *starts shaking*
Leo: *walks in* run!
Donnie: *screams, runs for his life*
Karai: *walks in and sits down*
Mikey: so Raph you gonna kill Leo?
Raph: maybe if i get bored.
April: i thought you like Mona.
Raph: well yea but we never really dated...*looks down*
Casey: wut up guys?!
Me: oh great you again.
Casey: hello to you too doll face.
Me: Karai.
Karai: yea?
Me: hold my glasses, i don't want them broken.
Casey: *starts walking away*
Me: get back you twit!! *cases him*
Casey: HELP!!!
Leo and Donnie: *stops*
Leo: what the?
Donnie: this is my chance. *slips away*
Leo: dang it Donnie.
Karai: *hugs Leo from behind* happy now?
Leo: for now.
Mikey: Donnie's gonna kill me.
April: it's okay Mikey.
Raph: ask.
Leo: dare.
Karai: comment.
Casey: GUYS HELP ME!!!!!!
Mikey: should we help him?
Leo: nah!

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