flirting with Karai will lead to pain!

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Me: *sitting on couch*
*tablet dings*
Me: finally!!!!
Mikey: more dares?!
Me: yep.
Raph: who's it for?
Me: Casey!!
Casey: you called.
Me: you have a dare.
Casey: shoot.
Me: well um first off this might end in your death so....
Casey: wait what?!
Donnie: just listen.
Me: well NINJAWSOME dares you to flirt with Karai.
Casey: no problem.
Raph: uh yea there is.
Casey: what?
Raph: oh ya know, Leonardo the protective boyfriend who will kick your butt.
Casey: relax, she'll be falling for me in no time.
April: not a chance...
Casey: what was that?
April: nothing.
Casey: well there she is.
Karai: *walks into kitchen to get drink*
Casey: *walks into kitchen* hey hot stuff.
Karai: excuse me!
Casey: you heard me. *winks*
Karai: Casey you're such an idiot, I have training to do. *turns to leave*
Casey: *grabs her waist* don't go so soon.
Karai: let go.
Casey: Aww babe come on...I think I know a better way to pass the time.
Karai: *punches him in the eye*
Casey: ouch *holds eye*, come on baby you know you want me.
Karai: *raises fist to hit him again*
Leo: *walks into kitchen and sees Casey trying to flirt with Karai*
Casey: oh hey Leo what's up?
Leo: what's up?! You're flirting with MY GIRLFRIEND and you're asking me what's up!!!
Casey: look dude relax no biggie. *slowly backs up*
Leo: if I ever catch you so much as looking at Karai again you'll regret it!
Casey: oh yea!?
Leo: *growls and punches Casey in the nose*
Casey:*falls to floor**nose is bleeding*
Leo: *picks him up by shirt*
Casey: Leo please don't kill me.
Leo: why not.
Me: It was a dare Leo.
Karai: you have got to be kidding me.
Donnie: it was a dare for Casey to flirt with Karai.
Leo: *puts him down*
Casey: so please don't kill me.*hidding behind Donnie*
Leo: fine, but if you ever flirt with Karai again I'll...
Casey: I'll never ever ever flirt with her again I swear!!!
Karai: good.
Leo: *wraps arms around Karai's waist* love you.
Karai: love you too. *wraps arms around Leo's neck*
Me: let's give them some privacy.
*all but Leo and Karai leave*
Leo: *kisses Karai*
Karai: *kisses back*
Leo: mine.
Karai: you know it.
Leo: and I'm yours.
Karai: all mine.
Leo: you're adorable.
Karai: *blushes* not as much as you.
Me: *watching from hiding spot* aww.
Donnie: shhh.
Raph: would you two be quiet.
Donnie: well Leo, Casey's got a black eye and a broken nose.
Leo: *watching Space Hero's with Karai* that's it, maybe I should hit him again.
Karai: you're staying right here. *grabs his arm*
Leo: yes dear. *kisses head*
Donnie: I'm still here ya know.
Leo: right sorry, anything else?
Donnie: yes, Splinter says training is in an hour.
Leo: thanks.
Donnie: no problem. *leaves*
Karai: *kisses Leo*
Leo: *kisses back*
Karai: I love you.
Leo: I love you too.
Me: *from kitchen* ask dare comment!!!!!!!!

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