Karai and...Donnie?

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Leo: *watching Space Hero's**yawns*
Karai: *Pat's her lap*
Leo: *rests head on her lap and continues to watch Space Hero's*
Karai: *rubs his head*
Leo: *smiles*
Karai: *starts to play with his mask*
Me: hey guys!
Leo: hey Becca.
Karai: what's up?
Me: the clouds.
Karai: *rolls eyes*
Me: other then that not much.
Tablet: *dings*
Me: yay more dares!!
Leo: who's it for?
Me: *reads dare* oh...
Karai: what is it?
Me: oh it was uh my mom that's all.
Leo: oh okay.
Splinter: Leonardo come here please.
Leo: coming Sensei.*gets up* see ya soon.
Karai: bye.
Me: see ya Leo.
*Leo leaves*
Karai: okay what's the dare?
Me: how do you know?
Karai: you have a special ringtone for the dares.
Me: good point.
Karai: so what was it that you don't want Leo to hear?
Me: well Dragon_Slayer228 dares you to..
Karai: yea?
Me: to kiss Donnie's cheek.
Karai: wait what?!
Me: that's what she said.
Kardai: I can't do that!
Me: well...
Karai: okay, at least Leo doesn't have to know. *gets up*
Me: yea.
Leo: *walking into living room but stops and hears Leo doesn't have to know, becomes confused and follows Karai*
Karai: *walks into lab* hey Donnie
Donnie: hey Karai, what can I do for you?
Karai: forgive me.
Donnie: forgive you for what?
Karai: *reluctantly kisses his cheek*
Donnie: *doesn't know what to say* w..what was that for?
Leo: *heartbroken, walks into lab* so this is what I don't need to know!?
Karai: Leo!
Donnie: I'd better go now.
Leo: you're not going anywhere!
Karai: Leo it was a dare, nothing more.
Leo: oh really!
Karai: yes really!
Donnie: *runs out of lab*
Leo: I never cheated on you.
Karai: first I'm not cheating on you, second you kissed April!
Leo: I was pushed!
Karai: sure..
Leo: why do you have to be so hard-headed!?
Karai: Leonardo do you want to break up?!
Leo: maybe we should.
Karai: yea we should.
Leo: good bye, Karai. *walks out*
Karai: *anger slowly turns to regret and pain, starts to sniffle*
Leo: *in his room crying*
Karai: *runs to Leo's door**knocks*
Leo: *opens door* Karai!?
Karai: *hugs him tightly* I'm so sorry Leo! *cries*
Leo: I'm sorry too. *hugs back* take me back?
Karai: of course, I love you!
Leo: I love you too. *kisses her*
Karai: *kisses back*

Ask dare comment!!!

BTW Donnie and Karai....not gonna happen ever.

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