ignoring Leo...

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Me: *sleeping on couch*
Tablet dings*
Me: ugg...*looks at dare* oh my gosh!
Karai: what is it?
Me: a dare.
Karai: who's it for?
Me: you...
Karai: ugg what is it?
Me: you're not going to like it.
Karai: just tell me.
Me: well Dragon_Slayer228 dares you to ignore Leo...
Me: look I'm sorry I don't make the dares I just read them.
Karai: for how long?
Me: the whole chapter I guess.
Karai: I just hope he'll forgive me.
Leo: *walks in* hey.
Me: hey Leo.
Leo: hey cutie. *wraps arms around Karai*
Karai: *sighs and pushes him away*
Leo: K..Karai sweet heart, what's wrong?
Karai: *tries to leave but Leo grabs her arm*
Leo: Karai baby please what did I do?
Karai: *pulls out of his reach and walks to her room and shuts door*
Leo: *looks sad* why is she ignoring me?
Me: *looks down and shrugs*
Leo: thanks anyway...*walks to his room*
Me: oh boy...
*others walk in*
Raph: what happened?
Mikey: yea, is something wrong?
Me: well Karai got a dare to ignore Leo and it's not going well.
Raph: oh..
Donnie: that's not gonna be easy.
April: no it isn't.
Tay: I hope this ends well.

With Leo,

Leo: *lies on bed with teary eyes*
Raph: Leo, you okay?
Leo: *sniffles* I'm fine.
Raph: you always were terrible at lying.
Leo: I don't wanna talk about it. *wipes tears*
Raph: okay well dinner's ready. *walks out*
Leo: okay. *sniffles and goes to kitchen*
Me: hey Leo.
Leo: hi. *sits at table and looks down*
Tay: is uh is Karai coming?
Mikey: she's supposed to be.
Donnie: I'll get her.

With Karai.

Karai: *sitting on her bed with tears in her eyes*
Donnie: Karai?
Karai: yea?
Donnie: you want dinner?
Karai: sure.
Donnie: you ok?
Karai: no...*sniffles*
Donnie: it's okay sis...*hugs her*
Karai: thanks Donnie. *hugs back*
Donnie: come on before they eat all the food.
*both walk out*


Donnie: *sits down*
Karai: *sits next to Leo*
(The only seat left was by Leo)
Leo: *looks over to her* hey...
Karai: *tries not to talk*
Leo: Karai please...
Karai: *looks down*
Leo: *is hurt*
Tay: well uh nice weather huh?
Raph: yea.
Mikey: well dig in!
Everyone: *starts eating*
Leo: *pushes food with fork*
Raph: so anybody wanna go skateboarding later?
Mikey: totally!
Donnie: yea, you wanna come Leo?
Leo: no thanks.
Karai: *gets up*
Me: where are you going?
Karai: I'm not hungry. *walks to room*
Leo: *drops his fork and holds his head*
Mikey: Leo I'm sure it's nothing...
Leo: nothing?! She hasn't spoken to me all day! *leaves to his room*

Karai's room.

Karai: *crying*
Me: Karai.
Karai: hmm?
Me: I'm sorry.
Karai: it's not your fault.
Me: well Tay, April and I were gonna watch a movie wanna join?
Karai: no.
Me: okay bye. *leaves*

Girls except Karai: *watching movie*
Guys except Leo: *skateboarding*

Karai: *gets up and walks to Leo's room and is about to knock*
Leo: *opens door*
Leo and Karai: *bump into each other*
Leo: Karai!?
Karai: Leo! *hugs him tightly*
Leo: *hugs back tighter*
Karai: Leo c..can't breath!
Leo: sorry... *loosens his grip but still holding her* why were you ignoring me?
Karai: it was a dare...
Leo: really?
Karai: oh Leo I'm so sorry I never ever want to hurt you please forgive me I'm such an idiot! *starts crying*
Leo: shhh sweet heart it's okay...*tilts her head up and gazes into her eyes* I forgive you just don't you ever scare me like that I though I was losing you.
Karai: you'll never lose me Leonardo I'll always be yours. *kisses him*
Leo: promise? *kisses her*
Karai: I promise.
Leo: I love you.
Karai: I love you too.
Me: *me and other girls watching from living room* thanks goodness, ask dare comment.

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