Leo, Donnie and Mikey.

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Me: I'm so bored!
Leo: my sympathy. *watches TV*
Computer: dings.
Me: oh my gosh! *falls off couch*
Karai: *walks in* why are you on the floor?
Me: I attacked the floor.
Tay: sass mouth. *smirks*
Me: *checks computer* guys!
Mikey: is there a dare, is it for me?!?!
Me: there is one dare and it's for Leo and Donnie.
Leo: why me.
Donnie: nooo!
Mikey: lucky.
Me: but there is a question for you Mikey.
Mikey: really what is it?
Me: ok so Loveandliveninja47 wants to know who is your favorite brother?
Raph: me.
Donnie: it would definitely be me.
Leo: guys it's his question.
Mikey: well I love all my brothers oh and you too sis, but if I had to choose it would be...
Raph: we ain't got all day.
Mikey: I'm thinking, I would pick Leo!
Raph: what?!
Leo: I knew it!
Me: why Leo?
Mikey: well he's always calm and collected and even though he can be bossy and kinda of a geek he's pretty cool.
Leo: what do you mean by geek?
Raph: space hero's.
Donnie: you gotta admit you do love that show.
Leo: so...
Raph: it's a show made for two year olds!
Karai: *slaps Raph in the back of the head* is not.
Raph: you're always taking his side.
Leo: because she loves me. *smiles*
Karai: yea I do. *smirks*
Raph: enough with the romantic comedy you two can we just do the dare.
Me: ok so yet again Loveandliveninja47 dares Leo and Donnie to do the whip and nea nea in front of Karai and April. *laughing*
Raph: omg. *laughs*
Mikey: this is hilarious. *falls off couch laughing*
Donnie: we can't do it, April's not here.
Karai: actually she is, hey April!
April: yea?
Karai: come here.
April: *walks in with splinter and Casey* what?
Me: there is a dare that requires your assistance.
Raph: well what are you guys waiting for?
Tay: yea guys go on.

*music starts*

Leo: *blushes madly and dances*
Donnie: *dances and blushing*
Raph: this is so funny! *laughing*
Splinter: I'll be in my room. *leaves shaking his head*
Casey: dude this is stupid.
April: they are never going to be able to forget this.
Karai: nope. *giggles*

*music stops*

Donnie: I've got lab work, bye. *runs to lab.
Leo: I'll be in my room. *runs to his room*
Others: *laughing*
April: I'll go check on Donnie. *walks to lab*

The lab.

April: nice dancing.
Donnie: t..thanks.
April: don't be embarrassed it was kinda cute. *hugs and kisses him*
Donnie: *blushes and hugs back and kisses cheek*

Living room.

Tay: you should probably go see Leo.
Karai: I'm going.

Leo's room.

Karai: you should dance more often.
Leo: yea right.
Karai: you're still adorable. *kiss cheek*
Leo: *blushes* you too *hugs her and kisses forehead*

Living room.

Tay: that was interesting.
Me: it was.
Mikey: ask dare comment!

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