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Hey guys, I know I haven't been posting anything in a while but I've had a few problems to work through, but I won't get into that.

But I really feel like I've let you all down, and I really am sorry, all of you mean so much to me, and I know that sounds cliché bit I mean it, without your support and kindness I would've stopped writing a long time ago, and now you've inspired me to actually want to become an author (besides Wattpad) and I feel like I need to both repay you for all the love and also make it up for being a bad author and not updating, so to make it up to you I will be doing ALL THE DARES I haven't done yet, and updating ALL MY BOOKS and maybe publishing a new book BEFORE CHRISTMAS. How's that?

And please don't send in anymore dares until I finish all the ones I have waiting, but because this is Thanksgiving, you guys can send in dares, and also because I missed Halloween you could send in dares that are Halloween related of you like.

But before you leave...

*at Thanksgiving dinner*

Me: Guys hurry up.
Raph: ok bossy.
Me: the food's getting cool.
Raph: seriously?
Me: hush.
Mikey: finally, this is the best part, but its not better then pizza.🍕
Donnie: *sits down* smells great.
April and Casey: *walk in*
Casey: Casey Jones in the house.
Me: yay...😒
Splinter: is everything ready?
Donnie: almost, Leo went to get Karai, they'll be back in a minute

In Karai's room.
It wouldn't be Thanksgiving with Leorai!💙

Leo: *walks in* Karai?
Karai: *in snake form curled up sleeping*
Leo: *smiles* *rubs her arm* wait up love.
Karai: *hisses*
Leo: don't hiss at me. *tickles her*
Karai: *starts laughing*
Leo: *chuckles*
Karai: *wraps tail around him*
Leo: that's cheating.
Karai: so? *nuzzles cheek*
Leo: *pulls arms out of her grip and hugs her*
Karai: *gets up and turns human* come on shortie. *smirks*
Leo: hey! You're not taller by much.
Karai: still taller then you.

In kitchen.

Raph: bout time you two.
Leo: oh hush.
Me: so can we eat now?
Leo: not yet.
Splinter: it is our tradition for everyone to say what they're thankful for, Donatello you go first.
Donnie: well I guess I'm thankful for...our family, and friends.
Mikey: I'm thankful for pizza.
Leo: Mikey!
Mikey: ok ok, I'm thankful for all our friends, and pizza.
Ice Cream Kitty: meow.
Mikey: and you too. *hugs Kitty*
April: I'm thankful that everyone is still alive and well after everything we've been though. And also for all of you treating me like family.
Casey: I'm thankful for you guys, you're like brothers to me.
Raph: do I have to?
Leo: yes.
Raph ugg fine, I'm thankful that Sensei has helped with my anger issues.
Mikey: it don't show much.
Raph: *growls*
Leo: *rolls eyes* I'm thankful for you Father, without you we would be someone's pet, you've raised us, tought us, and love us, and I'm also thankful for you dearest. *kisses Karai's cheek*
Me, Mikey, and April: awe!!
Karai: I'm thankful for you too Leo, and also I'm thankful that we're all together.
Splinter: *smiles* Becca.
Me: I didn't touch the Turkey!
Leo: it's your turn goofball.
Me: well I'm thankful for a lot of things, the two most important is you guys, you're the family I've always wanted, and second, I'm most thankful for Jesus.
Karai: Father?
Splinter: I'm thankful for my children, you've all grown so much, pretty soon you'll all be leaving, but I know you'll all do fine.
Everyone: *smiles*
Leo: now we can eat.
Donnie: woo hoo!
Me: finally!!
Leo: hey who took my Turkey?!
Karai: *eating Turkey* beats me.
Leo: thief.
Karai: so what's for dessert?
Me: punkin pie.
April: it's pumpkin.
Me: punkin...
April: pumpkin!
Me: punkin!
Raph: you're such a dork.
Me: I'm their queen.👑

That's all folks!🐷

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 🦃

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