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Computer plays.

Me: no.
Leo: what's wrong?
Karai: you ok?
Me: no.
Mikey: *enters room* hey guys wow are you ok buddy?
Me: Mikey I am so sorry.
Mikey: why?!
Me: *shows Leo and Karai dare* see.
Karai: sorry bro.
Leo: poor thing.
Mikey: what!?
Splinter: Michelangelo what is wrong?
Donnie: what's going on?
Raph: yeah.
Leo: well bluemaskedarrow dares Mikey to go without pizza for a week.
*all stare at Mikey*
Donnie: ouch.
Raph: wow.
Me: I know.
Mikey: I'm going to die!
*April comes in with Casey*
April: guys what's going on?
Casey: dude are you really dieing? Who are you?
* explained it all to him*
Karai: Mikey you are not going to die.
Mikey: am too.
Leo: Mikey.
Splinter: my son life will go on without pizza.
April: yeah Mikey you'll be fine.
Donnie: it'll be okay.
Mikey: no it won't.
Karai: yes it will and to make you feel better none of us will eat pizza.
Raph: what no way not a chance.
Leo: Raphael.
Casey: that doesn't mean me too does it?
April: yes it does.
Casey: oh now come on.
Donnie: no pizzas will enter the lair until Mikey can eat it with us.
Leo: agreed.
Karai: we promise.
Me: you have my word.
April: ask dare comment.

Me: see you next time bluemaskedarrow. (:

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