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Me: guys!
Mikey: what?
*all walk in*
Me: guess what day it is.
Leo: simple it's Valentines Day.
Donnie: yea so?
Me: well I think it would be appropriate for all of you to wish the amazing people who read this to have a happy valentines day.
Raph: that's not too bad.
April: on the count of three.
Mikey: one.
Donnie: two.
Casey: three!
Me: so any plans?
Leo: a few. *smirks at Karai*
Splinter: do you?
Me: nope.
Karai: shame.
Me: yea. *looks down*
Raph: you can stay here with us.
Me: awsome!
Tay: this is gonna be fun.
Splinter: ask dare comment!

Ok so being this is Valentines Day how about some romantic dares hmm? Anyway HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!

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