too much work!!!!

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Raph and Mikey: *playing video games*
Me: *walks in bundled up in a hoodie*
Mikey: BECCA!!!!!
Me: hey Mikey! *voice sounds funny*
Mikey: *confused*
Raph: what happened to your voice?
Me: a sickness.
Karai: hey look terrible!
Me: thanks. *sniffles*
Leo: how was camp?
Me: great, except for getting sick!!
Donnie: I'm sure it's not that bad.
Me: oh really.
Donnie: come to the lab.
Me: ugg...
Five minuets later.
Leo: so?
Donnie: fever of 100.8.
April: is it contagious?
Donnie: *shrugs*
Casey: what do you mean you don't know?!?! We could die!?!?
Me: *coughs on him*
Casey: *screams runs to bathroom*
Me: mwahahahah*starts coughing*
Tablet: *makes weird noise*
Me: *gasp* *reads it* *in deep, cracking voice* Karai.....Is that my voice, is that MY VOICE?!?!
Karai: Becca calm down, what's the dare?
Me: forget about the dare my voice is ruined!
Raph: *rolls eyes* Becca.
Me: yes?
Raph: knock it, what's the dare?
Me: one moment please... *goes to kitchen* *pretending to be Splinter* Leonardo, come here now!
Leo: *gulps*
Raph: somebody's in trouble.
Leo: *leaves*
Me: *runs back in* it worked!
Karai: your voice.
Me: I fixed it, anyway..
Mikey: what's the dare?
Me: simple, *points to Karai* you Missy, are not allowed to kiss your boyfriend for the rest of the day, by request of Bluelights300.
Karai: *blushes* what?
Raph: poor things. *laughing*
Mikey: *giggles*
Leo: *walks back in* odd.
Donnie: what?
Leo: Splinter didn't call me.
Me: yea that is odd isn't it.
Leo: so Karai can I talk to you?
Karai: yea.
Me: *looks at her, raises eyebrow*
Karai: I know.
Leo: what?
Karai: nothing. *leaves with Leo*

Karai: so what's up?
Leo: well um I just I really wanted to talk to you about yesterday.
Karai: oh that.
Leo: look Karai, I love ya, and you only.
Karai: and I you Leo.
Leo: not mad?
Karai: no, well not at you anyway.
Leo: come here princess. *about to kiss her*
Karai: *pushes him back*
Leo: did I do something wrong?
Karai: no I don't feel like it right now...
Leo: oh, okay, wanna watch some TV?
Karai: yea.
Me: *on couch eating soup*
Raph: feel better?
me: not really.
Raph: how bad is it?
Me: very bad.
Raph: really?
Mikey: hey lovebirds.
Raph: Mikey!!
Mikey: yes Raph?
Raph: I'm gonna...
Me: fight somewhere else because my head already hurts!
Raph and Mikey: *runs away scared for their lives*
Karai: hey sicky.
Me: you sound like my family.
Karai: is that good or bad?
Me: *shrugs*
Leo: pwease Karai..
Karai: no.
Leo: but babbbyyyy......what did I do?
Karai: I said no Leo!
Leo: please, I can't live without your kisses!!
Karai: *grabs him by his cheeks* stop.
Leo: *pouting*
Karai: mister pouty pants.
Leo: what pants? *smirks*
Karai: you dirty little turtle.
Leo: oh i assure you Karai, i ain't little. *smirking*
Leo: yes dear? *smiling sweetly*
Raph: what's with the yelling?
Mikey: yea.
Leo: oh nothing. *walks away smirking*
Raph: well?
Karai: I don't know what to say. *walks out*
Mikey: really.
Raph: *rolls eyes*
Me: *talking quietly* hey.
Others: *don't notice*
Me: *clears throat* HEY!!!
Everyone: *jumps*
Mikey: what was that for!?
Me: *tries talking but nothing happens* *freaking out*
Donnie: and now you lost your voice, great job.
Karai: what do you want Becca?
Me: *gets sketchpad* *writes, the darer also says April to slap Casey*
April: okay. Hey Casey come here please.
Casey: *runs in* yes hot stuff?
April: *slaps him hard*
Casey: *falls* what was that for!?
April: a dare.
Karai: can I slap him next?
Me: *nods*
Karai: *smirks*
Casey: *runs*
Leo: hey guys.
Karai: hello Leonardo. *Crosses arms*
Leo: sorry....?
Raph: so anything else cause I have things to do.
Me: y..yes, da..dang....this..sickness!!
Mikey: well?
Me: Raph has to give everyone a complement.
Raph: what!?
Me: don't question the darer.
Raph: ugg...well uh..I'll start with Splinter, he's a great Sensei and Dad, and Leo, he's bossy..
Leo: hey!
Me: try again.
Raph: he's bossy but he keeps us safe and I'm... I'm glad he's the leader.
Leo: really?
Raph: yea, and Donnie is smart and we'd probably be dead without him, Mikey is weird and goofy but he's what keeps us together, and as for Karai, she's okay...
Mikey: okay that's it?
Raph: she's pretty cool she understands me well sorta, April's a good friend and so is Casey, but Becca she's just nuts.
Me: true.
Leo: that's not a complement!
Raph: she's fun to be around.
Me: yea I know, now villains.
Raph: ugh fine, i admire their commitment...?
Me: good enough.

9:02 pm.

Karai: so Becca can....
Me: yes you can kiss Leo.
Karai: *runs to dojo*
Leo: *meditating*
Karai: *tackles Leo and kisses him*
Leo: *Kissee back*
Splinter: *walks in* Leonardo!!!!
Leo: yes Splinter?
Splinter: not in the dojo!!
Leo: okay.

Ask dare or comment!

Hey guys, please read this, sorry this took so long but I've been really busy, thanks for waiting.

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