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Me: hey guys!
Leo: be quiet!!
Tay: why?
Leo: she's sleeping! *points to Karai sleeping beside him*
Tay: aww!
Me: how cute!
Leo: *blushing*
Computer dings.
Me: yes!
Karai: what the heck?!
Me: sorry.
Leo: I told you to be quiet!
Tay: oops.
Me: omg!!!
Karai: it's not us is it?
Me: nope.
Leo: finally a break.
Me: Raph!!!
Raph: *walks in* what?
Me: you got a dare.
Raph: oh crap.
Mikey: what is it?
Casey: yea maybe you'll get to wear a dress too.
Donnie: that would be funny.
April: yeah.
Me: ok so Loveandliveninja47 dares Tay and Raph to kiss on da lips!
Tay: wait what?!
Raph: are you sure? *blushes*
Me: see for yourself. *shows them*
Karai: now kiss.
Tay: well um ok. *leans in and kisses Raph*
Raph: *kisses back*
Tay: *pulls away*
Raph: wow.
Karai: good job Tay.
Tay: it was kinda nice.
Raph: kinda.
Me: softy.
Raph: Becca!
Me: anyway I knew you liked Raph.
Tay: Becca.
Me: yea?
Tay: shut up.
Me: whatever.
Mikey: ask dare comment!

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