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Me: *watching the guys train*
Tablet dings.
Me: *runs to it* finally!!!
Leo: what is it this time?
Me: let me see.
Karai: well?
Me: oh my chickens!!! *drops tablet* oh my goodness.
Splinter: what is wrong?
Tay: you ok?
Me: you guys are gonna flip when you here this.
Raph: I've got a bad feeling about this.
Mikey: who's is it?
Me: Leo and Karai's.
April: talk about favoritism.
Karai: not our fault we're awesome.
Me: oh wait and there's one for Casey too. *evil grin*
Casey: oh crap. *hides behind Raph*
Raph: you scared? *chuckles*
Me: ok so let's get on with it, Loveandliveninja47 dares Casey to wear a dress for three chapters! *laughing*
Casey: why did I let you guys talk me into this?! *throws hands in the air*
April: I'll go get one.
*5 minutes later*
Me: put it on.
Casey: *walks out wearing a pink dress with flowers on it* happy now?
Karai: this is hilarious! *laughing*
Me: ok so Leo and Karai your turn.*evil smirk*
Karai: we're dead.
Me: Loveandliveninja47 dares you two to read a lemon about yourselves.
Leo: your friends are weird
Karai: more like twisted.
Splinter: a lemon?
Tay: well it's a...
Mikey: it's sour, yellow...
Me: yea Tay you know sour and all that stuff...well anyway I uh looked it up so here*hands them my phone* read this.
Karai: oh boy.
Leo: oh my gosh!
*reading goes on*
Leo: dang.
Karai: this is intense. *blushes*
Leo: ok so that was weird. *hands me phone*
Me: *sets phone on table* so?
Karai: I don't have the words.
Leo: me either.
Mikey: *picks up my phone* OH MY ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Me: Mikey!!! *takes phone back*
Mikey: *look of horror*  bye! *runs to bathroom*
Leo: oh boy.
Karai: Father never told him about the birds and the bees did he?
Raph: nope.
Donnie: well he knows now.
Casey: can I take this off now?
Me: no!
Leo: *whispering into her ear so only she can hear* you know we can always make the story a reality.
Karai: *whispering back* yea and you can tell Father when I get pregnant.
Leo: or we could wait.
Karai: good plan babe.
Raph: what are you two whispering about?
Leo: none of your business.
Raph: sure....
Me: ask dare comment!

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