7 minutes in heaven.

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Me: *punches dummy*
Karai: having fun?
Me: youre hilarious.
Karai: so you look mad.
Me: my brother.
Karai: I see.
Me: *punches dummy and hurts hand* ouch!
Karai: don't injure yourself.
Leo: hey guys.
Me: hey. *hand still in pain*
Karai: hey Bae.
Raph: big flirts.
Leo: you're jealous.
Raph: what!
Leo: relax I'm just teasing you.
Raph: *grumbles*
Mikey: anymore dares?
Me: not yet.
*phone dings*
Me: ok now there is, ok so Jannadileo dares Ra.....OH MY CHICKENS!!!!!!!!!!
Karai: what?!?!
Tay: what's wrong?!
Casey: are you dieing or something?
April: what is it?!
Leo: what's the dare?
Me: Karai you read it.
Karai: ok so they dare Raph and Becca to....omg. *laughing*
Raph: oh boy.
Leo: give me that, they dare Raph and Becca to play *chuckles* 7 minutes in heaven! *laughing*
April: well alrighty then. *giggles*
Raph: *blushing deeply*
Me: *puts face in hands to hide blush*
Tay: well go on you two.
Mikey: you're jealous.
Tay: I am not.
Leo: well go on Raph or are you too shy?
Raph: I'm going!
Me: can we skip this?
Karai: nope.
Raph: come on. *grabs hand*
Me: *forced to follow*
Raph: *walks into his room*
Leo: *laughing head off*
Karai: *falls to floor laughing*
Donnie: time starts in 10...9...8...

With Raph and Me.

Raph: you ok?
Me: I've never kissed anyone before. *blushes*
Raph: let me lead.
Me: ok.
Raph: *leans forward and kisses me*
Me: *blushes and kisses back*
Raph: *smirks and pins me to the wall*
Me: *wraps arms around his neck*
Raph: *licks lips*
Me: *opens mouth*
Raph: *sticks tongue into mouth*

With others

Leo: how much more time?
Karai: ten seconds.
Mikey: 9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...2...1...0!
Donnie: guys time's up!
*nothing happens*
Mikey: guys?
Leo: Raph? Becca?
Karai: they must like it.
April: someone should tell them.
Donnie: Leo.
Leo: why me?
Karai: you're the oldest.
Leo: fine. *walks to door*

Raph and Me.

*keeps kissing*
Leo: guys your time is up.
Raph: *pulls away* shut it Leo!
Leo: don't get her pregnant. *chuckles*
Raph: LEO!!!!
Leo: I'm going!
Me: wow. *sighs dreamily*
Raph: *blushes*
Me: look Raph I need to tell you.
Raph: what is it?
Me: I really like you.
Raph: you do?
Me: yea, and I was wondering if you would wanna hang out more?
Raph: sure! *smiles*
Me: cool!
Raph: I like you too.
Me: wait what?!
Raph: nothing.
Me: sure. *walks out smiling*
Karai: so?
Me: perfect!
Raph: yea. *looks away to hide blush*
Mikey: ask dare comment!

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