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Me: *about to eat my precious donut*
Table ding
Me: *put donut down* what now.
Mikey: *takes donut**runs*
Me: guys dare!
Leo: coming!
Raph: who's it for?
Tay: yea and what is it?
Me: well Loveandliveninja47 dares Donnie to act crazy for the whole chapter.
Donnie: why...
Me: don't ask.
Karai: that's not too bad.
Donnie: eh.
Me: *places hand where donut was**notices it's gone* NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
all: ????????
Me: MIKEY!!!!!!!!!
Mikey: ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Me: *runs after him* you ate my donut!!!!!!!!
Mikey: I'm sorry I got hungry.....*running for his life*
Tay: and here we have a valuable lesson never ever ever take Becca's food.
Raph: yea
Leo: well Donnie...
Karai: Donnie?
Raph: where did he go?
Donnie: *runs around the lair throwing flowers*
All: *burst out laughing*
Donnie: *throws smoke bomb*
Tay: Donnie?
Donnie: dumps water on them all.
Mikey: please forgive me.
Me: okay, I forgive you but you owe me a new donut. *sees Donnie and the others**laughing*
Mikey: *laughing* oh my goodness!
Raph: DONNIE!!!!!!
Donnie: I'm sorry....Not! *laughing*
Leo: this is weird.
Donnie: *sneaks up behind Raph and steals his mask**runs away*
Raph: give that back!!!! *chases him*
Donnie: *runs around the lair singing ring around the rosie*
Raph: *grabs his mask*
Donnie: *hides head in shell*
Leo: this is so weird.
Raph: I'm glad he's not always like this.
Donnie: *drinks two can of soda*
Leo: no more soda Donnie you can calm down the crazy.
Donnie: finally!
Mikey: you were crazier than me!
Tay: ask dare comment!

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