kiss and heart break.

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Me: *drawing*
April: what cha doing?
Me: drawing.
April: what is it?
Me: a fox.
Computer dings.
Me: finally!
April: who's it for?
Me: oh my.
April: what?!
Me: you'll see, Leo!
Leo: yea?
Me: you got a dare.
Leo: I do?
Me: and you won't like it.
Mikey: any dares for me?
Me: no sorry just Leo.
Donnie: what's it say?
Raph: yea tell us.
Me: where's Karai?
Tay: in the dojo, I'll get her! *starts to leave*
Me: no!
Tay: what?!
Me: it's best she not be present for this.
Leo: what do I have to do?
Me: well ilikemikeyanddonnie (sorry if I got it wrong) dares you to.. to..
Leo: to do what?!
Me: to kiss April.
Donnie: what?!?!
April: oh boy.
Leo: no.
Raph: what?
Leo: I said no.
Tay: you kinda got to.
Leo: I will not.
Mikey: why not?
Leo: because the only woman I'll ever kiss is Karai. *crosses arms*
Me: that is so sweet.
Casey: hey guys. (Not wearing a dress)
Raph: what happened to your dress? *laughing*
Mikey: you are not going to believe this!
Casey: what?
Mikey: Leo's gotta kiss April.
Leo: I am not.
Raph: a dare is a dare.
Leo: I already said no!
Casey: just kiss her cheek.
Leo: what?
Me: she never specified where.
Leo: I can't..I won't.
Raph: I've got better things to do. *leaves*
Tay: he's never going to do it. *walls away*
Casey: for Pete's sake! *pushes Leo's lips to April's cheek*
Mikey: *holds down Donnie*
Donnie: Leo!!
Leo: *pulls back immediately*
?????: Leo?
Leo: *turns around* Karai!!!
Karai: what the heck?! *teary eyes*
Leo: it's not what it looks like!
Karai: how could you! *runs out*
Leo: Karai please!!! *runs after her*
Tay: well that went bad.
Me: yea.
Mikey: *lets go of Donnie*
Donnie: oh no.
April: happy now?
Casey: oops.
Me: well until next time.
Tay: ask dare comment.


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