more leorai

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Me: guys guess what!
Mikey: people are weird.
Me: besides that.
Tay: you're hungry.
Me: besides that.
Leo: just tell us.
Me: there's another dare!
Raph: again!?
Me: yea and guess who it's for.
Karai: it's us again isn't it?
Me: yep you guys have two!
Leo: what is it with people?!
Casey: just tell us the dare.
Me: ok I will...nice dress by the way I had one like that when I was a little kid.
All but Casey: *laughing*
Me: anyway my amazing, awsome friend maddie_neon_lights dares you two to dance!
Leo: well that's not a bad dare.
Karai: it is when you don't dance.
Me: Leo will teach you.
April: how romantic.
Leo: do we get any music?
Me: one second I've got the perfect one!
Tay: which one?
Me: I don't dance.
Tay: I love that song!
Karai: you're hilarious.
Raph: shut up and dance.
Splinter: what is going on?
Me: more dares, you'll like this one.
Splinter: sits down and watches.

I don't dance but here I am spinning you round and round in circles it ain't my style but I don't care I'll do anything with you anywhere you got me in the palm of your hand girl cause I don't dance...

Leo spun her around in circles and she rested her head on his shoulder as they slowly danced and forgot the world until the music stopped and Leo kissed her.

Tay: are you crying?
Me: *whips away tear* no.
April: me either. *sniffles*
Raph: that was actually very sweet.
Me: I knew you had a soft side. *nudges his shoulder*
Raph: I do not!
Splinter: that was very lovely. *sheds tear*
Donnie: so what's next?
Me: ok so maddie_neon_lights also dares Leo to draw a picture Karai.
Leo: can I do it later? *still hugging Karai*
Raph: you two can cuddle later.
Me: *covers Raph's mouth* of course.
Leo: thanks.
April: we'll give you two some space.
Others leave.
Leo: I love you.
Karai: I love you too.
Leo: we should dance more often.
Karai: yea. *kisses cheek*
Leo: come on I've got a picture to draw.
*hour later*
Leo: it's finished!
Me: can I see sure.
Leo: I guess so. *shows picture*
Me: aww!
Tay: that's amazing!
Raph: it's actually very nice.
Me: there's that soft side!
Raph: I'm not soft!
Donnie: nice job Leo.
Leo: thanks.
Karai: ask dare comment!

PS. Leo's picture of Karai was a drawing of her in a field of flowers. (:

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