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The picture above is in the movie Christmas Story and it's all I can think of!

Karai: Becca.
Me: what?
Karai: did you eat all the chocolate?
Karai: you did didn't you?
Me: yes.
Casey: what's up ladies?
Karai: shut your mouth or get another black eye.
Casey: okay okay.
Tablet: *dings*
Me: woo hoo!
Mikey: more dares?
Me: yep.
Mikey: who's it for?
Me: Leo!
Leo: yes? *walks in*
Me: you and Karai have a dare.
Leo: what is it?
Me: NINJAWSOME says you have to stand in ice for an hour, first one to complain wears....*holds up pink bunny suit*.... The bunny suit!
Leo: oh boy.
Karai: you're gonna lose.
Leo: yea right.
Me: Raphael the ice please.
Raph: *dumps ice into a kiddy pool*
Leo: so we have to?
Me: yes.
Karai: *steps into pool, bits lip to keep from screaming*
Leo: *stands in pool, slaps hand over mouth*
Me: this might take a while.
Half an hour later.
Me: face it Tay, I'm the master of checkers.
Tay: no you're not.
Karai: *really wants to complain*
Leo: *hugs Karai for warmth*
Raph: isn't that cheating?
Me: beats me.
Mikey: just let them.
Karai: I give up!
Casey: why?
Karai: it's freezing in here!
Leo: woo hoo I win!
Karai: *wraps herself in blanket*
Me: oh Karai...*holds up suit*
Karai: do I have to? *shivering*
Leo: *snuggles up to Karai*
Me: yep.
Five minutes later.
Karai: *comes out in a pink bunny suit*
All but Karai: *laughing*
Karai: shut up guys.
Leo: *hugs her*
Karai: *hugs back*
Leo: my little snuggly bunny.
Karai: Leo don't.
Leo: you're so cute.
Karai: Leonardo...
All: *keep laughing*
Karai: I'm gonna kill you guys!
Me: I thought Bunny's were nice.
Karai: Becca!
Me: *gulps*
Leo: *picks Karai up*
Karai: Leo!
Leo: yes?
Karai: put me down.
Leo: no.
Karai: Leo.
Leo: *holds tighter*
Karai: okay.
Me: so romantic.
Tay: yea.
Raph: oh for the love of pizza do you two always have to show affection in public?
Leo: jealous?
Raph: I am not!
Leo: sure...
Raph: I don't need a girlfriend to be happy!
Leo: Raph I'm sorry.
Raph: whatever.
Me: ask.
Leo: dare.
Karai: comment.

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