Karai's ex

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Karai's ex is shown above.

Me: *walks in* Karai?
Karai: in the living room.
Me: okay. *sits on couch* hey Karai, Leo.
Leo: *lying on couch, raises hand* hey.
Karai: hey Becca.
Me: um Karai I don't know if you want to say it but uh...
Karai: what?
Others: *walk in*
Mikey: yea what?
Raph: so what deep secrets are going to be revealed?
Me: well Dragon_Slayer228 dares Karai to say who her ex is.
Karai: *blushes* w..what?
Leo: *instantly sits up* ex?! what ex?!
Raph: *whispers* drama.
Karai: it was a long time ago. *rubs back of neck*
Leo: you never told me you had a ex-boyfriend.
Karai: I didn't?
Leo: I would've remembered.
Raph: well go in who is he?
Karai: *mumbling* Flynn Thatcher.
Tay: I remember him, you two were always together.
Me: Tay!
Tay: what?
Me: shut up.
Leo: *grumpy*
Mikey: what did he look like?
Karai: why does matter?
Mikey: does he have blondish brown hair and brown eyes?
Tay: yea, why?
Mikey: I found him on Facebook! See! *holds out phone*
April: he's kinda hot.
Donnie: w..what?
April: oh I said it's kinda hot in here.
Donnie: okay...
Tay: Karai remember when you two had your first date, the way he....*keeps on rambling not know what is happening*
Leo: *growls*
Raph: someone's jealous.
Leo: *grabs Karai and goes to her room*
Karai: uh Leo.
Leo: *pins her to bed and buries face in neck* mine!
Karai: yes Leo, all yours.
Leo: forever?
Karai: well duh. *giggles*
Leo: *chuckles*

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