Chapter 8

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Joe's P.O.V

I drove up to the pharmacy, Brook was crying to much to drive so we took my car. But by now the crying had stopped and she was looking at the pharmacy, like a cow at a slaughterhouse. "Do you want me to go in with you?" i asked and she nodded wiping her cheeks clear of tears. I got out and walked around to open her door and she hobbled out like Bambi.

I cupped her hand and walked us both in the pharmacy. The bell rang when we opened the door and a small older lady appeared at the counter. "How may i help you two today?" she asked and Brook took a deep breath.

"Um can i get the plan B pill?"  the cashier nodded with a smile and slid it over the counter. Brook let go of my hand and  took out her wallet and paid. "Have a nice day" the cashier said happily and we both nodded and left. We got back in the car and it was quiet for a while.

I looked over at her and she looked defeated looking down at the box. "So you guys had unprotected sex?" she shrugged "I was to drunk, i didn't even want to really do it. This is just to be safe.". She ran her fingers though her messy hair and let out a loud sigh.

She opened the box and poped out two tiny white pills. She took a deep breath and threw them in her mouth the chugged down some water that was in the car. She clamped her eyes shut even after she swallowed the pills "I'm so stupid" she said finally opening them. Her breathing was rapid and she was shaking.

"You're not stupid" i said looking at her. "How am i not? I haven't even been here for three months and Ive been drugged and...well you know." She said now looking at me. Her blue eyes were a dull colour and seemed empty. Seeing her like this hurt me more than i expected.

"And by the way you can't tell anyone we came here, not even Zoe. Got it?" i shook my head in confusion. "I thought you and Zoe don't lie to each other?". She wiped the tears that were falling again "JOE I'M TRUSTING YOU ALRIGHT! JUST DON'T TELL ANYONE!" she cried out and i nodded.

She looked out the window after that and i started the engine. I was driving her back to her place and i pulled into a parking space. "I'm sorry for yelling" she said finally rolling her head towards me i nodded "Your under a lot of pressure, it cool." she smiled for once.

"Thank you Joe" she said looking into my eyes. My mouth became dry from her stare "It's fine" i choked out. She looked out at her flat then back at me "Do you want to come in?" she asked and i was a unsure if i should or not. "Joe i don't want to be alone, please?" she said practically begging "That's all you had to say, of coarse" i said already getting out of the car.

I waited for her and walked over to me and i smiled, she returned one for a both half a second. I wrapped my arm around her back and she did the same so we were side to side. We walked up to the door and she opened it. I let go and we stepped inside and she pointed at the couch an i sat down.

Brook's P.O.V

 I walked back into my room and showered, fixed my hair, then changed. Then i walked into the kitchen and looked in the fridge and i barley had any food. I moved to the living room and sat with Joe "I don't have any food you would like". He shrugged "It's ok" and reached for the remote on the coffee table.

He started aimlessly flipping though channels like nothing had happened today. "Joe?" his focused moved to me "What?" he said looking into my eyes. I wrapped my arms around one of his and rested my head on his shoulder "Does this happen to you often? They whole pill thing?". 

He laughed "No, not ever! Why?" and i shrugged. "You just seem so calm about it?" he sighed "What's the point of me getting upset?". After that it was quite for a while after that, the only sound was the TV. "Why am i still surprised by you?" i asked lifting myself up off of Joe.

"What do you mean?" he asked turning down the TV and faced me. "You are nice, funny, kind, understanding, sweet." he laughed "You say it likes it bad thing!". It was a bad thing, i have grown feelings for Joe. It so sad he's like my little brother but i came to the conclusion he's not, he's more than that.

Joe was like my best friend because i could tell anything. He was like a diary i could write in because he wouldn't tell my darkest secrets. He was like that stupid little joke book you get and tell your mom the jokes everyday. And best of all he was someone i could trust, and that was odd for a male in my eyes.

"It is a bad thing!" i replied standing up from the sofa. "When your that amazing you start to appeal to others." i said looking down into his eyes. He looked as if someone shot him in the chest when i said it. "Look forget what i just said ok?" and i started to walk away but Joe grabbed me.

He pulled himself up from the sofa and looked in my eyes, searching. I didn't know for what at the time but he was digging dip. The his gaze dropped to my lips and he licked his eager yet nervously. I felt his grip loosen on my arm, he was going walk way. I grabbed  the back of his neck and pulled him down into a gentle kiss.

It started with niter one of us moving. I squeezed my eyes shut then i felt Joe start to move. I moved to and it felt like magic. His lips were soft and he tasted like peppermint. I felt his hands move to my hair and he tangled his finger in it.

I involuntary moved back and my caves hit the sofa and we both fell back. My back hit the back and Joe fell on top of me. Of coarse the kiss was broken and i was left sitting there with Joe straddling me and hand on either side of my head.

I looked up and looked into his innocent emerald green eyes, and gilt flooded my body. What the hell was i doing right now? This was Joe Sugg the kid i grew up with! The only guys i've ever trusted, and i was throwing it away for simple lust.

Joe leaned in for another kiss and i pushed him off to the side. "Um i think it's time for you to go" i said getting up and running to my bedroom and shutting the door. There was a knock "Brook look i'm sorry about that, please come out? he begged turning the knob. "I think it's best if you go home" i said colder than expected.

Joe's P.O.V

I waited for a few minutes hopping she would come out, she didn't. "Call me later" i called into the door. Then i started to walk over and opened the door. I looked to see if she would just open her door, but she didn't. I walked out and slammed the door behind me.

How could I be so stupid? That was Brook! I just threw away a life time of friendship for stupid feelings! And worst of all, Zoe was right. That kiss confirmed i have stronger feelings for her than i thought. What was i going to do now? What were we going to do now?

I got into my car and hit the steering wheel a few times, just needing to take my frustration out on something. then my phone rang "Hello" i said a bit to harshly. "Joe where are you?" i looked around and knew i couldn't tell her. "Um at a friends why?" i asked trying to change the subject.

"I tried ringing Brook but she wont pick up" i started to nervously laugh "I'm sure she's ok". But she probably wasn't. "Your right i'll just call later" she said "Good" i said said shakily. "See you soon!" she said and hung up the phone.

I drove home in deep thought barley able to focus on the road. When i pulled up the the graveled driveway i let out a deep sight before stepping out. I walked into the house and up the stairs into my room. I plopped down on my bed a looked at the ceiling.

Then there was a knock at the door. "No Zoe!" i sighed and Zoe came prancing in. "Everything ok Joe?" she asked sitting in my computer chair. "Just peachy" i replied sarcastically "Joe?" she said sounding concerned. 

"Look Zoe i don't want to talk right now!" i said a bit to harshly. "Fine" she simply said and walked out of the room. Zoe was actually fine but i hated knowing i was keeping secrets from her! It wasn't right, but Brook was trusting me.

A/N: Thanks for all the feed back you give me and all the votes! 15 Votes for the next chapter!

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