Chapter 20

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"Here" Zoe said grabbing my bag out the boot "Thanks". I slung the duffel bag over my shoulder and Joe and Alfie got out of the car. "Bye" Zoe said wrapping her arms around me and i did the same. She pulled away and Alfie walked over with no words and hugged me lifting me off my feet for a moment. I half heartily laughed and he sat me back down backing away. Then i looked over at Joe "So this is it?" i said and he nodded "This is it."

"It's for the best i suppose" i sighed and he grabbed one of my hands "It's only three weeks. Then you can come back home with me and Ally Cat!". I nodded "Only three weeks, i can do this" he smiled and leaned in and pecked my lips. I cupped his face before he could pull away and kissed him passionately. I pulled away and smiled trying to catch my breath "It's three weeks" i said and we both chuckled. "I love you" he said with his voice sounding somber "I love you too" i said and kissed him one last time.

We both looked down at our hands and sighed. I reluctantly pulled mine away and looked up into his eyes. The usually vibrant green was clouded with sadness and he was harshly biting down on his bottom lip. "Bye" i mumbled trying to hold back the tears that burned in the back of my eyes. "Bye" he said trying to be strong but that was fading fast.

I turned around and fought the urge to go back. I took a deep breath and walked towards the Glass doors. i gripped the handle and unwillingly opened the door. The cool air hit me as i stepped in into what i assumed was going to be my hell for three weeks. I looked at the white walls and modern plants and furniture. The place was obviously trying to hard be zen.

"Hello" a blond lady said greeting me with what looked like a forced smile. "Hi. My name is Brooklyn Tomson and i'm here for um treatment." she nodded "We have actually been waiting for you! Your group is down the hall in room 3C!". I nodded and headed in the direction she pointed in and read the labels as i walked.

"2-1C, 2-2C, 2-3C, 3C" i said finally finding the door. I took a deep breath and opened the door to find people in a circle some with tears already staining their cheeks. "Hello! You must be...Brooklyn!" the older man with no hair said and i simply nodded. "Take a seat!" he said tapping the seat next to him. I hurriedly walked over trying to ignore the eyes burning into me skin as i placed my bag next to me and sat down.

"Alright Brooklyn" "Call me brook!" i corrected and he nodded "Brook my name is Mr.Hick and i will be your counselor while you stay here!" i looked up at him and nodded with a smile. "This is the group" he said gesturing to the five bodies in the room. I gave a small wave which no one returned. "This is Abby, Tammy, Eric, Mike, and Lucas" i nodded "Hi" i said though gritted teeth. I don't know what i had done but i felt as if these people hated me already.

"Mike just got done telling us about his addiction to alcohol" i looked at Mike and he nodded looking at the floor i guessed in shame. "Please i know why your here, why don't you tell the rest of the group" Mr.Hick instructed and i could fell the nervousness form in the pit of my stomach.

"Well um as you all know by now my name is Brook and i have an eating disorder" i said holding my breath trying not to panic. i heard Eric mumbled something and i scowled my eyes at him. "Thank you Brook" Mr.Hick said and i nodded "Well you'll just have to know everyone else on your own because time is up for today!".

He stood along with everyone else so i hurried and followed suite. "Abby and Tammy have already dropped their bags off in the room you will share with them" i looked back at the girls and they nodded. Tammy looked a lot like a red headed Amy Whinehouse. Abby on the other hand was a brunet who looked like she was innocent of any crime.

I walked over to them "I'll see you all tomorrow!" Mr.Hick cheered and i rolled my eyes at his happiness. "Follow" Abby said and i did as i was told. I followed them down the hall and they walked into a room with three beds, two already occupied by bags. I sat my bag down on the empty one and sat down with it. "So..." i said looking at the two girls "If your wondering i'm here for drugs and she's here for her temper" Tammy informed me.

I nodded "and the Eric and Lucas?" Abby rolled her eyes "Eric is a drug addict" "And Lucas is a sex addict" Tammy finished. Then the door opened and Eric and Mike walked in "Hello ladies" they said with smiles. Both girls rolled their eyes "What the fuck do you want" Tammy spat at them making them laugh. "Drop off at sun down" he said and she nodded.

The just as they came they left and laid down on my bed. "Come on dinners in a few" i sighed "I'm not hungry" and they laughed. "I suggest you come down before Mrs.Collins comes and 'talks' to you" Tammy said starting to scratch her arms.

"Who's that?" i asked and Abby laughed "She's the enforcer around here! You might have seen her she as blond hair and, of you can call it that". I nodded knowing they were talking about the lady i met earlier. "So come on" Abby said with a bit of force in her voice. I knew where the anger problem was about.

I sat up and stood on my feet and Tammy opened the door and we walked down a few halls. I had no idea where i was going till i saw the sign that said 'Dinning Hall'. But i still followed the girls and we walked into a small room with several people already eating. "Keep up" Tammy said laughing and i nodded and that led me to a small window.

The lady on the other side just slid a plate of food to the other side. I swear this place seemed more like prison the longer i stayed. Tammy and Abby got their food and i stood there and the lady slid my plate though. I took my plate and followed them yet again to a table with the other three people in our group.

"Just couldn't stay away ladies!" Eric said "Shut the fuck up" Abby spat and Mike laughed. "Be careful you your talking to babe"  Eric said then started eating. I looked at my food which was a small salad with dressing on it and a grilled piece of chicken. I took one bite out of the chicken and didn't touch my salad.

"Your Brook, right?" Lucas asked and i looked at him and nodded. He looked like some form of Indian had long black hair pulled into a pony tail with brown eyes. He was hot not going lie, but he didn't hold a candle to Joe. "And your Lucas?" i said just trying to make small talk and he smiled and nodded. God he had a beautiful smile.

I looked back down at my food and started picking at it. "I'll eat if you want? Just so Collins dosn't say anything!" he said and i smiled "Please". He nodded and laughed and started eating my food for me. "She's still not going to sleep with you Lucas" Abby said and i awkwardly laughed.

Soon dinner was over and we all went our separate ways. I was laying on the bed getting ready for bed and i missed Joe. My legs were hugged up to my chest and i rested my chin on them. "What up with you?" Tammy said and i sighed "I miss my boyfriend" and they both smiled. I didn't expect them to really care so i looked at them strange.

"How long have you been together?" Tammy asked "Almost a month" i said "but we've been friends our whole life" i added and they both awed. "Your so lucky" Abby said "Yea after our first fight my boyfriend broke up with me! So i broke his nose!" i nodded a little shocked by what she said "Mine left me after i sold his shoes for money" Tammy added.

Then there was soft knock at the door but no one came in and Tammy shot up. "Come on it's drop off" Tammy said and Abby clapped her hands together. I stood up and followed "Whats d-" they both turned around and shhed me. They walked silently and quickly till we got to a back door and when we stepped outside there were the boys.

There was a small bag tossed at Tammy. She smiled and i looked over at the boys and Lucas was staring right at me. I was praying he didn't come over to me, but with my luck he did. "Hey Brook" he mumbled in my ear I pushed him back "Hey..". "She has a boyfriend" Abby said and Lucas "She's beautiful, why would she not?". 

He looked back down at me "But that dosn't mean we can't have fun." he said and started leaning in to kiss me. I pressed my hand to his lips and pushed him back "No thanks" and everyone laughed. "Your kidding right?" he asked and i shook my head "No but i hope you are! I'm going back to the room" i said and Abby nodded and walked ahead of me. 

"Be there in a few!" Tammy yelled behind as the door shut behind us. "Don't let him get that close" she said "He might not take no again". I stopped "Why did no one tell me?" i asked and she shrugged "Just don't let him get close again, got it?" she said a bit sternly and i just nodded. "Good now i don't want to get caught so come on!" she demanded and i followed behind.

A/N: How did you like this chapter? Let me know in a comment and don't forget to vote!x

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