Chapter 7

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Brook's P.O.V

"Hey Joe! It's Brook call me back" i sang into the phone. I hadn't talked to Joe in about two days and he hadn't called me, that wasn't like him. But i had to continue on with my day, get to work, and most importantly ask Chuck a question. I pulled into the parking lot and got out of my car.

I walked into the gym ready ask Chuck the major question. I looked to see him at the front desk on the phone. I walked up to the desk and smiled and he returned it and hung up the phone. "How can i help the beautiful Brook today?" i blushed and looked down at my feet.

"Well i was wondering if maybe you want to grab some food, tonight?" The smile on his face grew bigger. "I would love too" he said standing up and walking around the counter. He wrapped his strong arms around me and i we both squeezed a little.

We pulled back and kissed my forehead and went back around to the desk. I smiled to myself "See you tonight!" he said as walked back to the locker room to put my stuff away. I stopped for a minute and smiled to myself and then did a little dance.

After about five hours of training i took a shower and put on some normal cloths, nothing special. I walked out to see Chuck with a smiled on his face. "Hey um meet me here" he said writing something down a sticky note. He handed it to me and i looked at the address "In three hours" he said and i nodded.

He got up again and kissed my cheek. I blushed while i stuck the address in my pocket and walked to my car. I looked to see him standing there looking at me. I waved and so did he i went back and started my car. I drove over to Zoe's because i needed help getting ready.

I pulled into the drive way and call Zoe to open the door. "Yellow!" she sang "Come open the door i need to your help to get ready for my date!" She squealedand i herd a thud. "Zoe?" i called into the phone "GET OUT!" she yelled on the other side of the car door scaring me.

She opened my door and grabbed my gym bag then she pulled up me up the graveled driveway into the house. We ran up the stairs and into her room and i threw the bag onto the bed and pulled out the dresses i picked.

About an hour  and a half of trying on different things, sometimes the same thing over and over.  I settled for a short red dress, with a gold belt, white heels, and my hair curled over one shoulder. Zoe tried to put make on me but i told her the heels were over doing it.

"So how do i look?" i asked her and she nodded proudly. I walked over to the mirror and i looked great! This new diet i was on was really working out for me. "Alright i'll be on my way!" i said and hugged Zoe.

I walked down the hall and almost passed Joe's room. I knocked "NOT NOW ZOE!" he shouted and i opened the door "It's not Zoe! It's a pissed off friend!" i said. He was sitting on the bed and his eyes looked at me and he swallowed hard and i smiled, he was scared.

Joe's P.O.V

She was so beautiful i couldn't speak. "So why haven't you been returning my calls Joesph?" she said walking towards me. "" i said too focused on her beauty. Then she walked back and shut the door and her domineer change "Did i say something wrong?" she asked.

"God no!" i said. The only reason i had been avoiding Brook is because she was always on my mind. It was hard talking to her with out getting choked up. "Then whats been going on?" she asked sitting on my bed next to me.

"It doesn't matter anymore" i said smiling. She nodded "Well alright! But next time your gonna get it!" she said slamming her fist in her palm. I laughed "Alright Brooker" she put on a fake hurt face "You don't think i can take you?" and i shook my head.

She grabbed my head and put it under her arm then started giving my a noogie. i reached over and grabbed her side making her yelp and let go. I got up and ran away "NOPE!" she shouted coming after me.

We ran all around the house till i ran in Zoe's room as did Brook. "What the hell guys?" Zoe said and we both laughed. "BROOK YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR YOUR DATE!" Zoe said and Brook looked at her phone. "Shit! Um see you later!" she said running to the front door.

"Date with who?" i asked a smiling Zoe. "A guy she works with, Chuck was his name" i rolled my eyes "Chuck is an asshole!". She shrugged "Then why dint you just ask her out? I mean you do like her soo" "Shut up" i said walked and walked out of the room. Why was Zoe so annoying?

Brook P.O.V

I pulled up to a house a looked at my watch, just on time. I stepped out and walked up to the door ringing the bell. I waited and the door flew open to a well dressed Chuck "Well hello!" he said. I blushed "Thank you" and he laughed "Come in".

We sat in the kitchen, sipped on wine, and i watched as Chuck prepare dinner. We made jokes and chatted for what seemed like ages. When the food was ready i was already slightly buzzed and he make two plates and sat them on the table.

"This looks good!" i said not ready to eat. He made steak, salad, and some sort of chocolate dessert. I would go way over my calories if i took one bit of this stuff. But i didn't want to seem rude so i just took a few bites of steak and ate all of my salad with no dressing.

"So brook?" he asked and i smiled "So Chuck?". He laughed "What do i get for cooking?" and he rested his hand on my knee. I moved it "Not that" i said slightly annoyed he nodded "Understandable" and laughed.

We just sat at the table and i had a few more glassed of wine, and i of course i was drunk. "No more" i said laughing as he poured me another glass. "It's ok! You're cute when you're drunk" i giggled and chugged down yet another glass.

I moved the cup from my lips and my vision quickly became hazy. All i could do was laugh and try  to get it back. I could also  feel hands on my body then lips. I tried to push him away but he was stronger. "So what do i get for cooking dinner?" he asked then laughed.

Next day

Joe's P.O.V

It was about noon and i just rolled out of bed. I was snap chatting some people when my phone rang in the middle of a doodle, it was Brook. "Yep Brooker!" i said laughing "Joe i need you now! come out to my car!" she said sounding panicked.

I hung up and ran outside to see Brook resting her forehead on the steering wheel, she was in the same cloths. and her hair was a mess. As i got closer i could tell she was crying from outside of the car, i could only think the worst.

I opened the door and sat down and waited for her to say something. "Brook?" i said and she sniffed and whipped the tears from her face. She looked at me her blue eyes seemed brighter due her glossy eyes "I fucked up Joe" was all she said.

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