Chapter 35

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It's been about two weeks now and I am very happy. One because Joe and I are back on the same page as before. We've moved on like nothing had happened and that's how I like to keep it. And two because it's the holiday season and it always makes me happy.

My mother and I always celebrated the holidays, Christmas especially. She would save up some of the money we had and go crazy with the decorations and gifts. Not to mention she cooked enough for a family of eight, and there were only two of us. But she always cooked like that, which would explain why I was so big for so long.

"It's freezing out there" Joe said carrying a large Christmas tree over his shoulder. "Yay you go it!" I cheered jumping up from the couch and clapping. Joe laughed and took the tree to place it the corner of the room. It was tall compared to other trees I’ve had before, but we also had a bigger space to fill.

I looked over at Joe as soon as he put the tree down and he shaking. I walked over to him as he was taking off his gloves and he smiled at me. "What?" I asked and laughed a little and shook his head "Nothing. It's nothing" he said taking off his coat. 

"No tell me" I said reaching over and taking the red beanie of his head and playing with it. "I'm just so lucky" he said blushing and I couldn't help but blush myself. "Well thank you" I said with a smile and I looked down at the beanie in my hand. "We should probably get around to decorating this tree" I said slipping the hat on my head and Joe nodded "Let's".

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a pair of scissors and walked back out to find Joe looking though the bag of ornaments I bought a few days ago. I walked past him and started to cut the net off that hugged the tree together. "So red and gold?" he asked referring the ordainments and I nodded "I’m with going with traditional things. Don't want to go crazy for our first Christmas!" I said before I smiled to myself.

It got quite as we both thought about this being our first Christmas together. I looked over at Joe who was looking at me and he had a smile on his face too. "Our first Christmas" he said and I nodded only causing us both to start nervously laughing.

I moved my focus back to the tree and continued to cut till I couldn’t reach anymore. "Joey!" I said and looked over at him only to start laughing. He had tinsel wrapped around his neck and a round red ornament was hanging from each ear. "Having fun?" I asked and he nodded "A blast" making me playfully roll my eyes. "What was that?" he asked and shrugged "I don't know what you’re talking about" I replied.

He took the red bobbles off his hears and stood up "Yea you do" he said taking a step closer to me. I couldn't help the little giggles that were escaping my mouth "Joe not now!" I shirked. "Come here!" Joe shouted and dropped the scissors and took off towards the stairs.

"JOE STOP!" I shouted almost tripping up the stairs. "NO!" He shouted following close behind he was almost stepping on my heels. "GOT YOU!" he shouted wrapping his arm around me and pulling me back, knocking us both back in the process. "Let me go!" I said laughing while trying to get out of Joe's grip.

"Never" he said and I continued to claw at his arms. Then all came around and looked down at Joe "Not now" he told her and squeezed me tighter. Then Ally took her paw and tapped Joe on nose and let out a loud meow making me laugh. Joe blew air on her face and she tapped his nose again and let out a meow.

Joe started laugh causing him to let go of me and me roll off of him in a laughing fit. I looked only find Ally not gone and Joe and I in tears from laughter. "I love that cat" I said sitting up and adjusting the hat on my head. “She’s weird" Joe added "So fits right in with us" I said slapping his arm. "True" he said sitting up and moving his fringe back.

"We should go finish that tree" I said and Joe sat up "Still got my hat on?" he asked and I nodded "It's warm". He laughed "It looks good on you anyway" he said winking at me "I know" I said sticking my tongue out. He stood up laughed and held his out for me to take. He pulled me off the ground and I ran ahead of him, still holding his hand, pulling him back down stairs.

"Now help me" I said pointing to the top off the tree where the next still clung to it. I let go of his hand and he walked over to the tree and just ripped the remainder off. "Thanks" I said and walked over to start pulling the branches down and get down to the hard work.


"DONE!" I cheered covered in glitter and a stinging in my legs from standing so long. But I looked down at my feet and saw I had forgotten the angel. "The angel almost forgot" I said grabbing it. I looked at the top of tree only to see there was no way I was getting up there.

"I'm going to need some help" I said looking back at Joe who was sat on the couch with a bowl of popcorn, like he has been for the past two hours. He wiped the slat off on his pants and jumped up from the couch. He walked over and got down on knee "Get on my shoulders" he said and I laughed "I'll crush you". He looked at me with disappointment in his eyes so I just did it.

As soon as he stood up I wrapped my hands around his head "I'M GONNA FALL!" I shirked "No you’re not" then he jumped "See I got you". I slowly gained more confidence and let go of his head "Alright" I said and he stepped closer to the tree. I carefully placed the angel on top of the tree and smiled to myself at how nice the whole tree came out.

"What shall we name her?" he asked in a posh accent "I don't know!" I responded in the same voice. We both laughed as he lowered himself and I carefully got off his shoulders. "I know" Joe said looking up at it and lacing out hands together.

"Tammy" he said and I felt my heart beat a little faster and Goosebumps go up my arm. I looked at the angel that sat on the tree and I pictured Tammy's smiling face, her laugh, her voice. "I'm sorry is it too soon" he said and I blinked feeling the warm tears forming in my eyes.

"No" I said looking over at him "It's perfect" I said wiping the tears away "It's perfect".

So idk what this chapter really was, but i hope you enjoyed it and it wasn't a wast of your time!

And like always i'm blown away by how many of you stick around and read this. Also for the people who have tweeted about this, thank you. One of my friends showed me some of you have tweeted about it before, so thank you for that.

And if you didn't know this fanfic will end right after Christmas/Will end on New Years! I know it's sad to think about but it has to end sometime (I'm so sad about this). Like always check out my Liam Payne fanfic "Charmer" or my Finn harries fanfic "I Friend Zoned Finn Harries" I really like them and i hope you all will too! And if you do check those our leave a comment on them!

Ok I've been rambling on for too long now so i'm gonna go!

So thank you and don't forget to...




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