Chapter 27

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A/N: There is song off to the side to listen to as read and if you are on a mobile the song is "The only exception By Paramore". Enjoy!x

Brook's P.O.V

I walked through the automatic doors dragging Joe behind me. I looked and saw Abby sitting in one of the chairs. "Abby!" i said and she looked up with tears flowing from her swollen eyes and down her cheeks and her brown hair a tangled mess. She stood up and i let go of Joes hand and wrapped my arms around Abby. "Is she ok?" i asked and Abby pulled away "They havn't told me". I nodded and felt Joe's arms wrap around my wait and pull me so our sides pressed together "It'll be fine" he mumbled pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

She sat back down and Joe and i sat in the two chairs across from her. Joe held my hand and i closed my eyes trying to calm down. The only noise in the room was the beeping of phones and papers turning. But i could hear my heart beating a slow but hard enough for it to case pain.

I felt Joe squeeze my hand i opened my eyes and looked at him. I looked into his eyes and nodded and tried to catch the breath that was leaving my lungs quicker quicker. "It's going to be alright" he said and i shook my head and squeezed his hand tighter "I can't breathe!" i whispered and he started to rub my back. 

"Brook you have to calm down" Abby said across for us and i closed my eyes and nodded. "Just take your mind off it for a second" Abby said and i nodded "What did you today?" she asked and i thought about it. "I had lunch with my friends" i said "What was fun about it?" she hurriedly asked. "I met a little girl named Darcy" i said and my tears stopped.

"Darcy liked you" Joe said and i nodded "She waved at me, but most kids do" i added and he laughed. "Back in Manchester i babysat for a while and the kids would cry when i left rather than the parents" i said and rose my head up looking at Abby then Joe. He was smiling and Abby was gripping her knees so tight you could see the pain on her face.

"Abby?" i said and she shook her head "I'm fine" she mumbled and looked at me pulling her lips into a fine line. I gave a small nodded before my eyes moved to Joe's and i intertwined hands. I let go of Joe's hand and wrapped my arms around one of his. I squeezed it tight and i felt this weird weight being pulled from my chest. Then tears left my eyes and rolled onto his arm. 

Everything was light and almost calm in the scariest way possible. My whole body was numb and my eyes just kept producing tears to the point where it stung to open them. Something was wrong and my body knew it. And that's when the door opened and a man walked out.

His head was hung low as he walked over to us. He lifted his head slightly and looked at the three of us. "Are you all here for Tabitha Smart?" he asked with a low voice that scared me more than anything. We all stood up and I squeezed Joe tighter and i watched as Him and Abby nodded.

"We did all we can, I'm so sorry"

The words hit me and i let out a loud sob. Joe almost instantly pulled me in his arm and held me as close as he could and as tight as he could without hurting me.

And with the loss of i made an exception and I let go.

My eyes hurt but i didn't try to hold back the tears or my sadness as my whole body shook with grief. I didn't care who saw me as weak, who would laugh, i just didn't care anymore. Joe kept mumbling "I'm so sorry" to me and "She's in a better place". But i couldn't believe that.

Tammy was someone who even with the short lived time we had together, she was one of my best friends. She didn't judge me because she was just as broken as i was. She was someone i let into my life and now she was gone, and that's what hurt the most. I was so scared of losing people and she was gone within a second.

"She over dosed so there was no oxygen going her brain, and again I'm so sorry for your loss"

That's when i heard Abby start to sob louder and louder. I lifted my head up and her whole body was red. She was so angry she had no idea what to do with herself. I weakly pushed Joe away and walked over to her and wrapped her in my arms and she relaxed enough to hug me back. We stood there for a while crying and holding each other.

"She really gone?" she asked so only i could hear "She's really gone" i whimpered in her ear and she let out a pained cry that felt like a knife in my heart.

I forgot that i was close to her, but Abby was much closer. They had been friends before they both got so messed up. "Why didn't she just call?" Abby said and squeezed her tight "She called me". I heard her sniff hard "What did she say?" and closed my eyes tight "My phone was o-off and she left a message". 

Abby pulled away and held out her hand "Please let me hear it" and i nodded. I shakily pulled my phone out of my pocket and placed it in hers. I turned around and looked at Joe who had a few tears rolling down his cheeks. I bit my lips and walked over to him and he wrapped me in arms making relax only a little.

I watched as Abby listened the voice mail her heart only shattering more at the sound of her relapsed friend speaking. She kept the phone to her ear as she broke out into sobs and had to sit down. I turned my head and rested my forehead on his chest.

"She's gone" i said and he placed a kiss on the top of my head "We'll get though this" he said as i started to brake down again.

A/N: Sorry it was a little short but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And i have some explaining to do to you guys! 

First thank you for the nice comments and messages you guys sent, it in all honesty made me cry that you guys would even take the time to care about me!

Now I did say i was taking a break from writing, and i did for a few days. This is because of my depression and stuff at home. But it's been almost a week and i found not writing makes it worse. And i know the past few chapters have been crap and i was feeling horrible about that (i hope this one was better then those). But i was also really going to try to fix my life, but i can't do that if i'm not doing what makes me happy. So i'm back but on a normal schedule like i said.

I will upload with i think a chapter is ready! That could in a few days or a whole week or more! I just wast to give you guys the best i can! So make sure you add this to your library so you get updated when i post a new chapter!

Also thank you guys this is almost at 30,000 reads (way to many for someone like me) & 550+ votes. When i see that and yall's nice comments it makes me want to write more and just make you guys happy which makes me happy. So thank you much for that it means so much to me!

That was longer than needed but thank you so so much and don't forget to...




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