Chapter 22

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"Joe wait!" i shouted as he started to walk out of the room. "I can't keep waiting Brook" he said and i could feel my senses going numb "Joe, what do you mean?" i asked and he looked into my eyes. His eyes weren't the normal vibrant green i was used to. They were a dull green and looked empty with no hint of love, they were just cold and frightening.

"You know what i mean" he mumbled and i took a step closer " Please don't". I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks and my the tears start to spill over. My heart was going a million miles a minute and my legs felt as if they were going to give any second. "Joe don't do this" i begged afraid for him to walk out on me and and he sighed "I have to". I reached out and grabbed his arm "Don't" i whispered and he yanked his arm from my grip knocking me to the ground in the process "I can't keep waiting". "JOE!" i shouted and he acted as if he couln't hear me "JOE" i sobbed out, but he said nothing.

"BROOK" i heard and i opened my eyes and grabbed onto Abby who was standing next to my bed. "Why are crying" she mumbled and wrapped her arms around me. I silently cried onto her shoulder and she patted my back comforting me a little. I couln't believe i was crying on someone's solder i met a week ago. But I felt so weak and voluble i really didn't care at this point who saw me crying, i just needed to get it out.

"What happened" i heard Tammy's voice say when she opened the door. "I think she had a nightmare" Abby said and Tammy sat next to me "It's ok" she said sitting next to me. I slowly and reluctantly pulled my head up from her shoulder and wiped the warm tears from my face. "I'm ok" i said and looked at the two girls who were looking at me like i was dying. "You sure?" Abby asked and i nodded.

"What were you dreaming about?" Tammy asked and i looked at the floor. My body felt as if it was numb and i had a aching pain in my chest. "It wan't a dream and i'm fine" i said and slowly stood on my feet and looked at the clock on the wall. "We're late for group" i said and the girls looked at each other "We can stay here if you want, they'll understand". I shook my head like a child "No i'm fine lets go" i said a bit to coldly and opened the door.

The walk down the hall was full of people looking at me, probably because i still had my pajamas on. But i kept my eyes on the floor til i finally made it to the room and opened the door. I turned around to hold the door open for the girls that followed closely behind. After them i walked in and took my normal seat next to Mr.Hicks.

The room that was normally full of chatter like a class room full of kids was quite as a morgue. I looked up to see all eyes on me and i couldn't help the anger that shot though me. "Can i help you?" i spat and everyone looked at each other. Except Lucas his eyes were still on me and i had enough of him "Can you not look at me for fucking five seconds!" i snapped and he laughed "Sure" he said but his eyes were still looking at me.

"So i take it you had a rough night Brook?" Mr.Hicks asked and i nodded "i guess you". He nodded and tapped his chin like he does when he noting something in his head. "What happened?" he asked and i sighed "Nothing" and crossed my arms. "There is no need to be defensive Brook. I am here to help you, not shame you" and i nodded and uncrossed my and looked at the floor.

"It was about my boyfriend, Joe" and he nodded and i pressed my back to the chair and let all the air out of my body. "What happened with Joe?" He asked and i felt the tears sting my eyes again, but i wan't going to let them out.I had let it all out earlier "H-he left me" i mumbled and i started to shake again. I reached up and started running my fingers though my messy bed head with one hand and wrapped the other around me, hugging myself.

"And..." he trailed off and i looked up at him "What?" i asked. "Was there anything...odd about the dream?" he asked and racked my mind for something but i could only think of one thing. "His eyes were dark." and Mr.Hicks nodded "Did that scare you" he asked digging deeper than i wanted. But i nodded "Yea, a lot" i whispered and hunched over resting my elbows  on my knees, then i felt his hand on my shoulder.

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