Chapter 40: The End

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Fifteen Years Later

"Scarlett eat your food" I said as kindly trying to spoon applesauce into the small two year olds mouth. She was sitting in her high chair next to me, refusing to eat her food. She crossed her arms and shook her head making her long jet black hair swing about. "Come on mummy is tired" is said and frowned and she shook her head again "I WANT DADDY" she said and I sighed.

"JOE!" I called out and he walked out of our home office "Yea?" he said looking between the two of us. "Feed you daughter" I said standing up and walking over the backdoor. "Leo" I shouted opening the door so the eight year old boy playing football could hear me. He turned his head "Yea mum" and I waved him in "Come on, dinner's almost ready" he nodded and kicked the ball one last time.

He jogged in right past me and I ruffled his brown hair a little as he pasted me coming into the house. I walked back into the kitchen to see Scarlett eating and laughing Joe, she was a complete daddy's girl. I smiled as I walked by going up the stairs and down the hall to ten year old Megan’s room. I knocked on the door before I walked in to see beautiful brown haired girl playing games on her computer. I looked over on the bed to see Ally sitting there watching her, like she always did.

"Come on dinn-" "BROOK!" I heard Joe shout in a panic and I turned around and running back down, Megan close behind me. I looked around to see Joe holding Scarlett and holding Leo back. Smoke was coming out of the oven and I remembered "I forgot to turn the oven off" I said out loud. I turned the oven off and walked around the room opening all the windows in the room.

"Again?" Leo said and I nodded "Yes again" I sighed opening the last window and walking over to the stove. I opened it and let the smoke roll out and move towards the windows "Sorry guys" I said walking over to them. "No no it's fine, we'll just order pizza" Joe said and Leo let out a loud yes before looking at me "I-I mean OH NO". I rolled my eyes "Whatever, pizza sounds great" I said kissing Joes cheek before walking into the living room.

I sat down on the couch and rested my elbow on my legs and burying my face in my hands. I felt the space next to me sink down and I rolled my head around to see Joe. "Joe I" I started but couldn't finish "Don't get yourself worked up" he said rubbing his hand up and down my back "You've had a busy day, don't stress yourself out".

I nodded "You're right" I said and moved so my head rested on his shoulder and we both looked at the blank wall. "So you’re pregnant again?" he asked and I just nodded. "Do you really think we could handle and forth kid?" I asked and he nodded. "I think-" then there was a loud crash followed by a lot of sorry from Megan and Leo and the sound of Scarlett’s giggle.

I let out a small soft laugh and wrapped my arms around him "I think you are an amazing mother, even though you burn all the food" he joked. "And you are the best dad, even though you cling to our children for dear life" and he rolled his eyes "I'm just being caring". I sat up "Did you really have to walk Megan to her friend’s house?" and he nodded "She lives next door" and we both cracked a smile.

"Ok so I’m clingy and you can't cook" and I nodded "That's what it seems to be" as I moved back to my position on his solder. "What if it's a boy?" he asked and I smiled "I hope, Leo would be happy" and he kissed the top of my head "Charles". I laughed "It sounds too formal" and he nodded "Your right" and it quite again, other than the sound of laughter and talking from the kids in the other room.

"Zach" he said "I thought that was such a cool name when I was younger" and I shrugged "Zachary sounds better". I looked up at him and he nodded "Sounds perfect" and we both smiled "But what if it's a girl?" he said and I shook my head "Let's stop talking about it right now" I said and closed my eyes. I relaxed a little as I felt his fingertips trail up and down my arm and the sound of him breathing invaded my ears. We sat like this for only a few seconds, but for us that was an eternity.

"I love you Joe" and I waited for a response, but nothing came. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Joe was asleep. I smiled pressing a kiss on his cheek and sitting up stretching my arms above my head and yawing. Then the doorbell rang and I stood up walking over to my purse pulling out enough for the pizza then to the door.

I opened it and took the pizza and gave the man the money and thanked him before shutting the door. I sat the pizza on the table and Leo and Megan jumped up and started eating. I walked back into the living room to tell Joe the pizza was here but when I walked in I couldn't bear to wake him. Little Scarlett was snuggled up next to her daddy and she was sleeping.

I grabbed my phone and took a picture before anything could spoil the moment. Then Joe woke up and looked down at her "Is she sleep?" he asked and I nodded "Out like a light". He smiled "I'll put her to bed, pizzas on the table" I said and walked over picking her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck let out a very small yawn making me smile.

I walked her up the stairs and to our room where her crib was. I sat her down and her blue eyes looked up at me "Love you baby" I said "Love you mummy" she said rolling over as I turned the lamp in the corner on just like she liked it and leaving the door half open. I went back down the stairs and into the kitchen to get the last two slices of pizza, like always.

"So how was school?" Joe asked with a mouth full of pizza and Megan went first "It was good" and Leo nodded "I had a good day too". Joe swallowed what was in him mouth "That's good! Um me and your mother have something to tell you guys" he said and I nodded finishing my first slice of pizza "We do!” I turned to face the two kids "You’re getting a new brother and or sister!" I cheered but neither looked excited. "Again?" Megan asked and I sighed "Yes again! Be excited!" and she sighed "Yay baby!" she said sarcastically.

"Megan when you’re finished go to your room and go to bed, no computer" Joe said and I looked at him "No, its fine! She has-" Joe shook his head "No she heard me". Megan looked as if she was going to cry as she put down the half-eaten piece of pizza down and somberly walked off to her room. I looked at Leo and he shrugged "I can't wait to have another brother! I can teach him about football!" he cheered making me smile "I'm happy to hear that".

Leo finished his pizza and hugged us both before running up to take a bath then go to bed. I looked down at my still flat stomach and placed my hand on it, thinking about how in a few months I’d have a huge stomach. "She'll come around" Joe said and I nodded "I know, just like she did with Scarlett" I looked up to see him smiling. "And don't worry ab-" "I know, I know! Don't worry about my weight" I said standing up and throwing the pizza box away.

"Well good" he said and I felt his arms snake around my waist and pressing long a kiss on my cheek making me laugh. "You ready for this" he asked resting his head on my shoulder "Yea" I said turning around and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Good" he said and pressed a quick kiss on my lips "Can't wait to hold a tiny one again" he said. I brushed my nose against his and laughed "Hopefully this is the last little one".

We both laughed as I pulled him closer to me and buried my head into his chest. "I love you" I said "I love you too" he added "Now it's time for us to go to bed". I sighed "Yea" but we stayed in each other arms not moving an inch. "Too tired to move?" I asked and he laughed "Yea' "Me too" I said "Let's just stay like this forever" and I nodded "Let's. 

"MUMMY! DADDY! MEGANS ON THE COMPUTER" Leo yelled and we both groaned "Let's go" I said moving out of his arms. "Are you sure you want to do this again?" I asked and Joe pushed me forward a little "Yea, I’m sure" Joe said as we walked up the stairs.

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