Chapter 39

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I opened the door and was greeted by the twins "BROOK" Jack shouted over the loud music and opening his arms. "Hello!" I said walking into his arms and left a friendly kiss on my cheek. "Good to see you two!" I said as I moved over to Finn and hugged him as well. "Lovely seeing you as well" Finn said and I moved aside letting them walk in. "Hope you have fun!" I said as they walked off into the house that was starting to get crowed. 

I looked down at my phone to see it was twenty minutes till midnight. "YEA!" I heard Alfie shout and I walked into the living room to find a huge circle with Maz in the middle dancing; he was smashing it to be honest. Then I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a head on my back due to our height difference. "Having fun?" Joe whispered in my ear and I nodded "Yea this was a good idea" I said as I continued to watch Maz dance.

"Don't forget at twelve your mine" he said I laughed turning around and looking down at him. He looked handsome in black blazer and slacks with a white button up. I pushed his fringe back a little and smiled "Of cores". "BROOK!" I heard and turned around to see Marcus waving me over. I looked back at Joe and smiled "See you at twelve?" and laughed "Yea" and I kissed his cheek before I ran off.

I got over to Marcus who was also with Dan and Phil "What's up?" I shouted over the music and they pointed at Sam. Sam Pepper was in the corner doing something I couldn't see. "For fuck sake" I mumbled and walked over and pulled his back "Sam-" I got cut off to see he was making out with some girl I’d never seen. "Oh my god I’m so sorry" I said backing away and like magic the doorbell rang.

"I'll get that" I said and ran away from the situation as fast I could in heels. Within a few seconds I was in front of the door and I opened it, it was Caspar. I could feel the anger build up in me and I tried to contain it. "Hi" he said and I nodded "Hi" and I awkwardly stepped to the side "come in". He stepped in and I shut the door behind him. "Can I talk to you" he asked and I paused for a second but I nodded "Yea follow me".

I weaved through the people checking every few seconds to see if Caspar was following. I walked into the kitchen where it was still loud but not as loud. "I wanted to say I’m sorry" he said and I nodded "I understand" was all I could say without sounding rude. "I wanted to ask if you would forgive me and we could possibly be friends again." I didn't mean to, but laughed a little in his face.

"Caspar we will never be friends after all the shit you put me though and all the things you said to me!" I had to stop myself before I said something to make myself angry. "But I will put up with you for the sake of our friends, understand" I said and he nodded "Good". 

I let out a sigh and reached over for the unopened bottle of wine on the counter. I popped the cork making everyone in the jump including myself. I took a long sip from the bottle and handed it to Caspar "Happy New Year's" I said "Happy New Year" he mumbled back and I walked out of the kitchen.

I looked down at my phone again to see I had a few minutes till twelve I looked around the room and started looking for Joe. After about a minute I started running around trying to find him. In my searching I ran into Zoe and Alfie "Have you seen Joe?" I asked and they shook their heads. "Shit" I mumbled and kept moving thought the people.

The people started pairing off into couples waiting for the moment, and I couldn't find Joe. "JOE?" I tried calling out over the people but I still couldn't find him. I started to panic when I heard the music shut off and I could everyone talking and I heard someone say "thirty seconds". 

"JOE" I called out again as I could practically feel each second ticking away. And I understood it wasn't that important because now I was his fiancée and we were going to live happily ever after, but we could never get the little things right. I mean for fuck sake our first kiss started off with me flat on my face, our first time together he was tipsy, and now we would miss our first New Year's kiss.

"10!" the whole room roared and I gave up trying. "9!" they cheered everyone looking into their partner’s eyes."8!" they exclaimed as I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. "7!" they called out and I felt the hand pull me away and towards the door. "6!" they shouted and I finally looked to see Joe was the person pulling and he was pulling me out the door.

"5!" they screamed as Joe shut the door and left us alone in the icy cold. "Joe what's-" I was cut off by him grabbing my hand the "4!" that was heard though the wall. "3!" was heard a second later as Joe rifled through his pocket and I looked down at him and I couldn't take it. "2!" I heard louder than ever as I kicked my heels off and let my bear feet rest on the cold pavement and Joe smiled. 

He leaned in and let his lips brush against mine. "1!" he whispered against my lips and I heard Alfie scream though the wall, then pressed his lips roughly to mine. I felt the hand he was still holding have something cold slipped into it and I broke the kiss. I looked down to the shiny silver ring on my finger and I looked up at a smiling Joe.

"Happy New Year's" he whispered I smiled "Joe you didn’t h-" "Shhh" he whispered cutting me off. "Please just take it" he said and I nodded "Thank you Joey" and he laughed "Your welcome Brooker" he said and pushed me back playfully. "Hey!" I said and pushed him back but he lost his footing and almost fell so I caught him. We both started laughing before he grabbed my hips and pulled me close.

"I'm happy I didn't let you run away from me again" he said and I could feel tears prick my eyes "I am too". We both smiled softly as we lend in and our lips molded together and we held each other tight in cold winter night. I could feel every emotion build up inside me and my mind go every which way, but I knew I was happy.

I pulled away and looked him in eyes "I'm putting all my trust in you, in hopes you won't hurt me" I choked out with a scratchy voice due the mess I was inside. He nodded "I won't, I promise" he said and I knew he was being honest. I didn't feel like he would hurt me again, or leave again, or anything. I knew he was going to be here for me and I could trust him.

"BROE" was shouted on the other side of the door as it swung open to revile every one of our friends and the stranger who showed up to the party.

I looked at Joe and we nodded "We need new friends" we said in unison.

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