Chapter 14

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Brook's P.O.V

It was now our last night here. We would all be leaving in the morning going back the hassle of life. I never wanted to leave this place. This had been the best weekend of my life as soon as Joe and i got on the same page. Joe passed the ultimate test this weekend, and i trusted him more than anyone else. But i still had to keep my one secret to myself.

I was brought out of my thoughts by laughter. We were all were sitting around the bright crackling camp fire sharing stories under the night sky. Joe had his arm draped around shoulders and both my arms wrapped around it his side, holding him close to me.

Joe told me yesterday when i cam back from my episode how pissed he was at Caspar. But i told him to drop it, they were friends and i would be fine. He believed me and he's moved on since then. But Caspar has been giving evil glares making me feel horrible.

"And that's the story of when Jack pissed his pants" Finn finished "That's it!" Jack shouted and they stood up. Jack proceeded to chase Finn around making us all laugh due to them lunging at each other. Everyone but Caspar who eyes were still glaring at me.

All i could think of were the horrible names he was probably calling me in his head. "Fat whore" swirled around my head and i felt sick to my stomach again. I suddenly felt guilty for that candy bar and two granola bars i had earlier. I felt so fat I wanted to cry right there but i held it together.

"I'll be back in a sec" i whispered in Joe's ear and he nodded kissing me before he moved his arm. I smiled and stood and jogged to the tents. I started to unzip it and looked to see everyone was now focused on Marcus telling his story.

I took the opportunity and dashed into the forest. I ran to the same place and repeated my actions the night before. The tears now stained my cheeks and i was shaking feeling slightly weaker due to my forceful actions. I stood up and wiped my mouth and cheeks clean.

"I'm not fat" i said looking down at the mess i made. "I'm not fat" i repeated this time out of guilt from what i had just done. I walked back to camp to see everyone now laughing at Marcus and whatever he was saying. I walked back over and wrapped Joe's arm around myself.

Joe nudged me and i looked up. His eyes looked from my eyes and down my cheeks biting his lip. "I'm fine" i said before he could ask and moved my attention back to Marcus. But he was done and everyone was looking at Joe and I.

"Brook your turn" Caspar said cutting his eyes in my direction. I could feel Joe tense up and i squeezed him tighter making him relax. "Um" i said racking my brain for a story, only one came to mind. And it wasn't the funniest.

"So i was thirteen and i was on my way to class at school. And i was going down some stairs but me being me some girls shoved me down the stairs." i was looking at the ground at this point a broke out into a fit of laughter.

"My pants ripped and everyone could see my white panties with little pony's on them" and that's when everyone else started laughing. Joe and Zoe started laughing so hard they snorted. Alfie and I started to mock the noise making Joe and Zoe pretend to be hurt.

"Joey" i said with a pout face and Joe laughed and kissed my forehead and pulled me close again. "Alfie's turn!" i shouted and he groaned but found a story quicker than i did. But i wasn't able to listen due to Joe whispering in my ear so nobody else could hear what he was saying.

"I wouldn't mind seeing those pony's" he said making me blush and laugh. "Are you trying to seduce or scare me" i said and he shrugged "You tell me" he said and placed a kiss right below my ear then rubbed his nose along my neck. I bite my lip trying holding back my sounds and actions.

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