chapter 32

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Zoe's P.O.V

I dropped Brook off at her house and Alfie and I waited for her to stop crying and to sleep before we left. We got in the car and I guess Alfie could tell I was angry or upset or whatever it was I was feeling. "Zoe please calm down" he said and I shrugged tears now in my eyes "She's so...broken" was all I said. "She's going to be fine" Alfie said and I shook my head moving my eyes up to his.

"I’ve known her since we couldn't even speak to each other Alfie. There has been so many times where I’ve seen her cry. There was the first time in primary school when a boy called her stupid. Then when she moved and we both cried then. And when she called me from Manchester when her first date ended up being this massive joke. Then she called me up one night balling because this guy called her fat." I took a deep breath trying to contain myself.

"What I’m saying is I've seen and heard her cry a lot Alfie, and this...this is different." he nodded "When I walked in she was just on the floor in tears and I had to pick her up". I nodded wiping the tears from my face and putting the key in and starting the car. "What are we going to do?" he asked and I paused, once again I had no idea.

"I don't know" I said "She's my closest friend and he's my brother" I said seeing what I had gotten in the middle of. I stepped on the gas pulling away from the curb and onto the road. It was quite which I appreciated due to all the confusion.

But it wasn't confusing at all really. Joe overreacted and practically moved out even though Brook apologized. He was the problem, well that’s the only conclusion I could come to. The only thing Brook did was keep the pregnancies to her and now I could see she had good reasons to. If this was the mess we would all find ourselves in she should have found a better way to hide it.

I pulled into the driveway and put the car in park and looked over at Alfie. "You good?" he asked and I shook my head "Look it will all w-" before he could finish I jumped out of the car and ran into the house. "ZOE!" I heard him shout but I ran up the stairs and slammed my hand against Joe's door. "OPEN IT NOW!" I demanded slamming my hand against it again.

I heard a lot of moving before the door creaked open leaving only a crack to see though. I pushed it all the way open and stepped inside only to find my brother standing there in the dark room with only the moon peaking though the shades enough so I could see his face. His whole face was wet with tears and his hair was a mess. I should have felt sorry for the boy, but I couldn't allow myself.

"Do you know what you did to here?" I asked and he just looked at the floor. "How could you fucking do that to her Joe? You told Brook you loved her!" "I do" he finally choked out his voice horse. "How could you treat her like that then?" I asked then Alfie came in standing in the door frame. He held out his hand and lowered it telling me to calm down, but I couldn't.

"You sat in here and didn't say a word to her! If you ask me she is the one who deserves way better!" he nodded "Your right". He wasn't defending himself or anything, just agreeing, and it was just making me angry. "Why Joe? Why would you of all people do this to her?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I keep waiting for her to change, but I don't think she ever will" he said and I shrugged.

"You are supposed to be with her and help her change! She needs support more than anything Joe, you know that!" I said and he looked up at me "I've been supportive!" he said. "But you can't just stop!" I said and his face became softer "You can't just help someone then just leave them Joe, it's not right". He nodded "You're right" he finally said and I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. "Shit. I’ve fucked up haven’t I?" he asked and I nodded "Yea".

Then we all just stood there waiting for someone to speak next. "H-how is she?" he asked "She's...confused" I confessed and he nodded "This is my fault" he said running his hands though his hair. "It is, but I think it can be fixed" I said looking over at Alfie "How?" both boys asked. "Well I think with you could win her back! But you would have to think of just the right thing!" then we all just stood there thinking for a while.

"I got it" Joe said and I looked up at him "I know how I can fix this".

A/N: Sorry it's short again but I kept trying to make it longer but I couldn't, sorry again! Next one will be longer!

But what could possibly fix this???? Find out next weekend!

As always thank you so so much for reading and all the support you guys give it means the world to me! Lastly don't forget to...




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