05. Meta-Human?

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Oliver's chest constricted at her words. "Dig, we need to go!" he shouted, knowing his friend would have heard exactly what he just had. Felicity was in trouble. He knew he shouldn't have left her there but he had thought, no, convinced himself that with all the people and the added security on their basement she would have been safe. He had been wrong.

The bangs echoed through his earpiece and made him cringe at the volume with every blow. He hoped that it was the door the sounds were coming from, that Felicity was still safe behind it and the thing wasn't in there with her. He pushed the motorcycle harder than he normally would have, zipping past the speed limits easily.

His mind whirled as Verdant came into view, the line still un-moving on the sidewalk. Oliver breathed a sigh of relief, if there was no chaos that surely had to be a good thing. "Do you see that Oliver? She has to be ok," Diggle must have came to the same conclusion Oliver himself had.

"I hope you're right Diggle. Felicity?" He tried calling out again, but was met by more banging and the shrieking sounds of metal scraping and bending. He pulled into the alley beside Verdant and made for the fire escape to stay out of the prying eyes of the public that lined the front. Screams filled his earpiece and he nearly lost his grip on the rails, tearing the bit out of his now ringing ear. He moved faster now with a renewed sense of purpose, whatever it was, was in there with her.

"I've got your back, go, go!" Diggle shouted as Oliver threw the door open and made into the dark hallways of the restricted employee space. As they neared the basement the screams became louder. Diggle watched the doors, prepared to keep people out until necessary, Dig stopped and waved him on. "Call for me if you need me!"

"Felicity!" Oliver shouted as the destroyed door came into view. The metal was mangled, torn open like the top off a can and the scene inside was all the more grisly. He could see her hiding behind a rack of arrows, one gripped tightly in her hand as she slowly backed away from the advancing creature. Her eyes were wide as they flickered to the door and then the creature and then back to the door again.

"Oliver!" She screamed and he drew an arrow.

"Get down!" He shouted and she dropped like a sack of potatoes as the creature swiped at her. His arrow struck home and the beast let out a howl, but it didn't have the effect he had hoped for. He stared at it in disbelief as it tore the arrow from it's chest as if it were a toothpick. He saw Felicity then, the arrow clutched in her hand as her fingers fumbled with it. He drew and shot at the beast again and it turned towards him. He fired again and again, until the arrow flickered to life in her hands - detonation, in 5 - 4 - she raced forward and plunged the arrow into it's back. The terror was clearly written on her face as she turned and crawled under the nearest table.

The beast spun in search of her, claws outreached and Felicity screamed and clutched her arms to her chest. Maneuvering herself into an impossibly small ball on the floor. Oliver flood with serious panic for the first time that night. He was torn. This was Felicity, if he got closer, injury to himself was eminent, if he didn't with the proximity it had to her now, she would be dead. "Crawl Felicity, go!" She hesitated, and he could see her breathing heavily as she took a second to register what he was saying. "Go!" he cried again. She crawled, frantically across the floor and Oliver drew and advanced again with the intention of shaking it from her trail but he didn't have the opportunity.

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