22. Little Sis'

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Cisco had disappeared, though Barry assured them that he was gone to work on a weapon to kill the meta-wolf. That was about two minutes before Barry got a call that he was needed at a crime scene and disappeared in a blur himself. That left Diggle, Sam and Dean standing awkwardly in the silent basement. Diggle didn't trust them, that much was obvious as Dean plopped down in Felicity's swivel chair and propped his feet on the desk.

"You call one genius a child and make the other storm off, I don't know about you, but that seems like a pretty dumb plan," he said, his dark arms folded across his chest as he glared in Dean's direction. "So unless you've got a genius hidden up your sleeve, then I suggest you start making some calls and apologizing." Dean kicked his feet off of the desk and leaned into it heavily, eyeing Diggle with a new respect. 

Sam rolled his eyes as Dean played at his games and called the only nerd that wouldn't take offence to the words coming out of Dean's mouth - Charlie. He pushed Dean aside, the swivel chair moving him a solid three feet and began navigating the monitors on Felicity's desk. In a matter of moments Charlie's face appeared on the screen. 

"What's up awesome bitches?" Sam couldn't help but smile, even Dean noticeably relaxed. Diggle looked on in stunned silence as their interaction with Charlie deepened. "Awe, where's the dreamy one?"

"What are you talking about? I'm right here," Dean responded playfully. Diggle's eyebrows rose up in shock as Sam and Charlie laughed. He obviously expected that Dean was a constant ball of angst, he knew nothing of their team. 

"We need your help Charlie," Sam started, once he had calmed down, "I think this is right up your alley."

"Whoop! Bump it H!" Charlie cheered, bopping her Hermione Granger bobble-head into nodding. "It was meant to happen, I mean I am wearing my honorary family flannel," she declared, spreading her arms wide to show off not only the blue flannel shirt she wore but also a grey shirt underneath that read 'I'd get sleazy for Ron Weasley'. "So what's the scoop? Need a computer hacked, a code unwritten or some nudes removed?" she asked, raising her eyebrows suggestively. 

"Yeah, I'm sure your computer's not that innocent either," Dean shot back and Sam looked at his brother not surprised but rather as though images he never wanted to see haunted his head. 

"Hey listen," Sam interjected, ending their conversation before it got extremely 'R' rated. "I'm going to send you a bunch of files and a couple of videos, can you take a look over it and tell us what you think?"

"Of course, what are sisters for?" she scoffed and rolled her eyes. 

"Ah yes, the little sister I wished I never had - oh wait," Charlie rolled her eyes and sipped from a bright yellow wonder woman mug while Sam worked on another monitor. He flooded Charlie with files, most of which were pre-labelled and on the desktop already. They watched her expression change from relaxed to serious.

"Well this is a whole lot of meta-weird," she murmured, "that looks like a werewolf but that- that does not." she finished, eyes wide. "O-okay," she said drawing the start of the word out with uncertainty, "who wants to explain? Wait, give me a minute," she said cutting off the answer she had asked for.

"Meta-humans - wait you mean Super-Man is a real thing?" Sam and Dean shared a look as if deciding whether they should burst her bubble, they decided to leave it intact. It would burst itself soon enough.

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