Fun Facts :)

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A/N - I always find it fun to look at the stats and know the numbers behind a story. To satisfy my own curiosity and maybe someone else's this is a compilation of random and fun facts about this story.



-Upon completion Lost and Found ended with a word count of: 64, 733 words! That's the longest story I've wrote in a very long time.

-The longest chapter in the story was chapter 30. Tick, Tick, Boom at 3128 words.

-The shortest chapter in the story was chapter 20. Not Lucifer at 1348 words.


-Upon the day of completion Lost and Found had a total of 246 comments.

-I do find this stat a little odd. As of this moment the chapter with the most comments on it is chapter 16. Felicity Smoak. If you'll recall, this is the chapter in which Cas makes his first appearance. This chapter currently has 25 comments.

-This particular stat doesn't surprise me much as I felt even when writing it was a bit of a filler chapter. The chapter with the least comments on it is chapter 28. The Bigger Plan. This was the Winchester sibling bonding chapter where Felicity tries to amend her deal. This chapter currently has a whopping 2 comments. 

-This is a factoid I find most amusing. The person who commented the most was -murdock with 136 comments... literally over half of the comments currently on the story. The only chapter she didn't comment on was chapter one and as the last chapter hasn't been up long - chapter 31. - Scratch that, as I've been writing this, she commented on 31. 

Reads & Readers:

-At the time of completion Lost and Found had 3.4K reads! My head just exploded.

-Readers voted a total of 226 times at the time this story was finished. Fairly evenly distributed, but mostly as usual for stories on chapters one and two. 

-Most of the readers were female in gender. 

-It's no surprise this next one. 60% of readers came from the United States, then Canada - likely due to myself at 4.28%. But I was a little surprised to see that Australia and Brazil take third and fourth respectfully. Quickly followed by the UK and South Africa and then a list of many other countries.

And finally, the most important of all the stats - this marks the first book/story I've finished on Wattpad. :)


A/N - Well, I hope you got some fun out of that, I certainly did! If there's any other facts you'd like to know, let me know! :) 

And remember, if you liked this story, it's sequel 'On Borrowed Time' will be posted on April 22nd, 2016 - that's only four days away!

Woot Woot! Thank-you for all the reads and votes and comments. Lots of love! <3


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