24. Bad Moon Rising

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"This has got to be the dumbest idea ever," Sam mused, as they stared into the rainy evening and up at the half burnt warehouse. 

"Remind me again why we can't just throw this toy out and figure out a better plan? The kid'll never know," Dean added, leaning forward from the back of the SUV. Felicity sat in the driver's seat and Diggle beside her, studying the cartoon-ish weapon for the millionth time that day.

"Alright, let's go over the plan again," Oliver's voice instructed, having assumed Felicity's role for the night. "Felicity, you stay where you are," he ordered and the whole vehicle did a collective roll of the eyes. "Sam and Dean you're running the silver, you trap the meta-wolf with the chains and then you give the signal-"

"Then he blasts it with the toy and we all go home!" Dean interjected impatiently, "let's go!" He didn't wait for Oliver to respond as he jumped out of the backseat and headed for the trunk. He opened the hatch with the adrenaline fueled energy he got before every final show down and grabbed the silver plated chain mesh before weighing it and tossing it to and unprepared Sam. "Catch Sasquatch!" he shouted as Sam's arms flew out to grab the heavy links at the last second.

Oliver's voice could faintly be heard grumbling in the car as Dean slammed the hatch shut. Sam, Diggle and Dean stood by the back hatch looking warily up at the building when Felicity hopped out and ran for them. "Wait!" she shouted, her blond pony tail whipping through the air behind her as she approached. "I have something for you." Sam frowned as she brandished a black box. "Since you know, you're kind of part of the team now," she said nervously opening the box and with a delicate hand she removed two earpieces.

The brothers took them hesitantly, not really sure what to make of the gesture and unsure what to really do with them. "Thanks," Sam said, putting the piece in his ear only to find they were apparently bringing Oliver with them. Dean didn't look all that pleased to have the earpiece in his ear, and as someone who didn't particularly like to listen that often this wasn't much of a surprise to Sam. Shoot first, ask questions later. He jammed it in there anyways and started towards the building before Felicity grabbed for his arm. 

"Just... don't die, okay?" Dean frowned slightly, the comment striking him as odd but he gave her a halfhearted smile and rested his hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry kid, we've got this," he assured her before giving her one last pat on the shoulder and heading towards the building once again. She seemed to hold onto that statement as she headed back towards the SUV, casting them only half a glance back as she climbed back in. When they heard the locks go down the trio made for the front entrance. Sam with the chains, Diggle with the ray gun and Dean with the light and a mag full of silver tips. 

They entered the building to immediate darkness, the only light the small beam from the flashlight dean held. Sam felt the hairs rise up on the back of his neck, as if something was watching them, waiting for them in the shadows. He readjusted his grip on the silver mesh and slowed his steps to a cautious creep. 

Dean swung the flashlight around, gun out and on high alert as they scoped out the darkened quarters. Diggle followed his motions, flanking the other side and listening for any sign of movement. Sam feeling more and more exposed with every passing second, unable to have his own gun tight in his hand.

The eerie silence sent chills up Dean's spine, not an easy feat considering everything he and his brother had been through over the years. This thing was smart, this thing wasn't going to jump like last time, it was hunting. "Hey, uh, ground control to Major Tom?" Dean questioned the air, waiting for some sort of response from the earpiece. He didn't have to wait long.

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