09. Trust?

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"We can't trust them," Oliver said pacing his way back and forth, ocassionally slamming his fist into the punching bag. The bluish light from Felicity's computer's and the display stands were the only light that lit the dark basement where they all stood - minus the Winchester brothers. It was dramatic and cast a soft glow over everything but bright lighting made everything seem a little fake. 

"Well, I think they've proven they know their stuff-" Felicity started to argue.

"Or that they're completely insane," Diggle responded calmly.

"Guys, I saw that book. They're not joking, the information in there is detailed. I've never seen anything like it," Barry added, "I - I don't think they're lying."

An uncomfortable silence filled the room. "He's definitely not lying," Detective West said, speaking for the first time since they had left the motel. All of their eyes turned to him and he took a deep breath as if an explanation was coming. "The case he was talking about, we wouldn't have stopped the killings if it wasn't for him and his partner - brother." Barry frowned at this information, and the claim put Oliver's nerves on edge.

"So you think we can trust them?" Barry asked slowly, looking around the room. 

"Wait - what kind of trust are we talking here?" Diggle prodded.

"Well unless they find something, we're going to have to tell them about the meta-humans. It's either that and they go looking for answers themselves."

"You're asking us to give up the secret, let them know what we are and what we're doing? We might as well raise a flag at this point: 'here resides team Arrow'."

"Oliver-" Barry started, trying to reason with him. 

"No! It's easy for you to say, it's not your safe-house they'd be in, it's not your team on the line here Barry!" Oliver shouted, infuriated with the group. He strode with deliberate steps towards the training mats and unleashed his fury on the equipment there. He didn't get it, there was something about the guy's ease with everything that set him off. Nothing seemed to faze him, not the fact that he was accused of murder, or that he watched some guy transform into a beast not even the fact that his dead brother just appeared out of thin air.

Felicity watched as he grabbed the bar and rhythmically began working his way up and down the rack, his shirt slowly darkening with sweat. Oliver hated the Winchesters, that much was obvious but no one could see why. Barry was gone in a streak of colour and standing in front of Oliver in a matter of milliseconds. Diggle and West eyed each other somewhat suspiciously and Felicity watched as usual, taking in every personality, every action and every word from her seat in front of the computer. 

Eventually Barry talked Oliver back down and he rejoined the conversation around the computer. Oliver exchanged his sweaty shirt for another, his shoulders noticably less tense now than before. "Alright, let's just take this a step at a time."

"Fair enough, where do we start?" Detective West asked, looking at them expectantly.

"Alright, why can't this be a meta-human?"

"If Felicity's research is right then whatever we're looking at has been around long before the particle accelerator." Diggle rationalized.

"Fair enough, but we also know that Barry can move through time. Who's to say he's never brought anyone back with him?" West countered. Barry himself snorted, crossing his arms and giving his foster father a look. 

"I'm hardly able to get myself through it let alone take someone with me." Oliver had been hopeful at that thought and then Barry crushed it.

"Fine. We agree on that then. If Felicity's research is correct we're looking at something that's been around for at least a few years longer than the particle accelerator." 

Felicity cleared her throat skittishly, "more than a few years," she breathed.

"What?" Oliver asked, his head snapping around to her. 

"I well, I did a bit more digging and as it turns out this goes back a lot further than we thought." Felicity hit one key and the screen before them flooded with pages upon pages of articles and pictures.

"Whoa," Barry slowly turned, his eyes growing wide as he took it all in with an impressed look. Oliver's fingers clenched on the edge of the desk now as he leaned into it. He looked at the floor and then back to the screen again. 

"Alright, this thing is ancient, but not immortal - we just have to figure out how to kill it."

"Oliver, the thing is near indestructible. The only other thing we've ever seen like that is Mirakuru and Meta-humans. That Mirakuru did things but never like this, this is something else," Diggle finished, a grim look on his face as he slowly took in the screens.

"So then we do our own research, figure out how to kill a werewolf ourselves."

"Already did," Felicity chimed in, her hand half raised. Oliver tried hard not to laugh, of course she had kept digging she never stopped. "But there's a bit of a problem," there was a groan around the room. That's what everything with this case seemed to be, one step forward and two steps back.

"What now?" Oliver growled, his momentary amusement lost.

"Well werewolves are mythical creatures, or so most people think."


"And it means there's a lot of material out there that's just that - mythical."

"How do we figure out which is which?" Barry surmised, and the morale of the room damped once again.

"I mean, the most obvious across all of the texts is silver there's got to be some merit to that right?" Felicity proposed, but she could see it wasn't well received. Their confidence was depleting with every keystroke. How could they defeat this beast if their best researcher, the computer wizard Felicity Smoak couldn't even land definitive facts? They needed the Winchesters, but they didn't trust the Winchesters, not one bit.

"Felicity, I want to know who these Winchesters are. Find out everything. Barry, Joe, you've got easy access to police files, think you might be able to find some matches to our Winchester brothers?" They nodded, and the roll of Felicity's chair could already be heard as she moved about her screens. 

Oliver turned to Diggle then, and Diggle smiled. "Stakeout?"


They turned to leave the others to sink into their work and get comfortable but stopped halfway up the stairs. He turned back and glanced at Felicity over his shoulder and then shook his head, this time there were people here who could help her, who would protect her. He deliberated, gripping the handrails tight as the memory of that creature going at her shook him. He took the steps slowly back down and moved towards his gear, grabbing his earpiece. Felicity looked up from her screens in curiosity but didn't say anything.

"If anything happens," he said quietly, making a show of putting the earpiece in. "Just in case," he said tapping the desk, aware of the eyes watching him. He turned to leave again and cast a look towards Barry. The look he got in return assured him of one thing, one promise that set him more at ease. Barry Allen and Oliver Queen may have had their differing opinions but one thing would always be the same - their genuine love for Felicity Smoak. 


A/N- Boom! Another chapter updated! A nice little Team Arrow moment to balance things out. What do you guys think of the partial Team Flash presence? I love Flash but I'm almost feeling like it's a few too many characters to keep tabs on. Especially since both Arrow and Supernatural have so many characters of their own that could easily be integrated. Maybe the better question is 'what characters do you guys most want to see make an appearance?'. Let me know what you think! Hope you enjoyed! :D

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