30. Tick, Tick, Boom

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Oliver pulled Felicity aside as the brothers gathered their things and prepared for yet another attempt on the meta-wolf. Though he was used to the Winchesters now, the prospect of this being potentially the last attack on the meta-wolf, Oliver was beginning to feel himself panic. What if she went with them? After all, they knew more about what was going to happen come the end of two years and they knew more of what could potentially be after her. She would be safer with them, though he hated to admit it.

"Are you sure about this?" Oliver asked as she threaded a scarf around her neck.

"About what Oliver? The bomb? I trust Charlie, if anyone could have done it I would have put it in her hands," she responded easily, shrugging on a brown jacket. 

"No, about them," he said quietly, as he eyed the brothers as they donned their jackets and joked with Charlie. Felicity stopped and looked up at him, her stormy gray eyes holding him locked in her gaze. 

"They're my brothers Oliver, not Barry Allen or -or - I don't know! But you're not going to lose me to them," she assured him. Though he was comforted by her words, he still found it hard to believe and nodded all the same and then froze, a frown glued to his face.

"Wait, I almost lost you to Barry Allen?" he demanded, loudly enough that the trio on the other side of the room stopped to look at them. Felicity glanced up at him as she slipped her feet into her shoes.

"That was a long time ago, you've got nothing to worry about now," she responded hastily. He wasn't all that sure if her words were an assurance or not but he bit his tongue and didn't say anything as the others joined them.

"Alright, everyone ready for this?" Dean asked, and Oliver could see the obvious joy in his face at the prospect of blowing up this menace.

"Let's hope it works," Felicity chimed in, her voice much more chipper than her face read. Oliver grunted in response, not trusting his tongue to say anything that wouldn't get him into trouble. They  traveled out into the driveway, Felicity closing the door with a final click of the lock. Tensions were high as they parted ways, shared glances and sudden silence wrapped them in it's bonds as the group split into two vehicles. 

Oliver had taken up the driver's seat of the SUV and Felicity climbed in beside him without hesitation the the others disappeared into the Impala. Silence remained even in their vehicle, the last attempt seemed almost childish in comparison to what they were about to do and it weighed heavily on all of them. An actual bomb would go off tonight and no one wanted to think about what would happen if the meta-wolf didn't die. No one wanted to think about the possibility of malfunction and no one dared think about someone dying. 

Felicity broke the silence of their car first. "So is there any sort of plan for this attack?" She turned to take in Oliver's profile to see he was grimacing. That was a no then. She fell silent again and stared at the road ahead of them, at the back of the black impala that led the way. "Who's going to deposit this bomb?" She finally asked, not sure she was willing to sacrifice any of them. Oliver only shrugged. 

She stopped asking questions then and Oliver was glad, another might have made him change his mind about the whole thing. At best this was a dangerous plan and at worst it was deadly - neither option a particularly promising one. There were so many variables up in the air that the sooner they had this over with the sooner he'd be able to breathe easy. And though all of this weighed on his conscious he couldn't help but find himself thinking about Felicity.

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