26. We're Not Gangsters

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The plan hadn't worked- twice. This case was growing stale, and quick. The meta-wolf had lived and the Winchesters now had a sister. Despite Sam's want to find out more about his new sister, Oliver had other plans. "I just got a call from Detective Lance. It would seem our werewolf was busy last night." Dean's ears perked at 'werewolf', but he tried not to get his hopes up. Casually he cleared his throat, and staring at his hands he leisurely glanced up to Oliver.

"So is this the meta-wolf we're talking about or is it an actual werewolf? 'Cause I could definitely go for a werewolf right now." No one in the room looked pleased by this statement, but Dean held onto hope as he waited.

"It's the victim from the diner," he countered, "a citizen of Starling City." Dean smiled and tried to suppress his laugh.

"You want to try and save him?" Oliver stared at Dean without giving a response and Sam shifted awkwardly at his brother's side. Sam had experience with what wanting to save a werewolf and look where that got him- tracked down by a long lost sister, a psycho in a green hood and his other merry men. He hadn't forgotten their introduction, he had merely tried to forgive it but sometimes Oliver pushed it.

"Trust me Oliver, that's a bad idea. There's no cure for it, there's no training them - they're monsters plain and simple. What do you think happened in San Francisco?" The question hung in the air and Felicity stepped forward, reading his expression with incredible intuition. 

"You loved her," she claimed, studying his reaction harder. He gave her a sad halfhearted smile and Felicity felt his sadness weigh on her. He shrugged and then looked away. 

"She was the first one really since Jess-" he frowned, realizing that Jess had been left out of their diner explanation. As far as Felicity knew Dean had came to the college and got Sam, Sam had left with Dean and quit school. They traveled the country looking for their dad, he died, they died- numerous times. They hunted all sorts of monsters, made some mistakes along the way and that was their story. 

Felicity frowned, as she realized for the second time in the last week that there was a lot she didn't know about her brothers. Maybe they liked it that way, then again maybe it wasn't intentional. Her reverie was broken by a noisy entrance that caused everyone to freeze and look to the stairs. The redheaded Charlie stood, arms full and wide eyed as everyone stared up at her.

"What's all this?" Dean asked, ascending the stairs to meet her and take a part of the load. A spike of jealousy took Felicity, that was a sibling like bond. There was love in that gesture, there was acceptance and love in those eyes, a softness that wasn't there when they looked at anyone else. 

"A bomb," she replied, eyes glistening. Dean paused and looked up at her in concern. 

"A bomb?" he repeated with worry, eyeing the objects in his arms.

"I mean, I don't know about you bitches but it seems to me the closest you came to killing this nasty was with that arrow. The arrow exploded, but not enough."

"So you're just going to - what? Build a bomb? Charlie, do you even know how to build a bomb?"

"Oh, you can find everything on the internet," Felicity cut in, stepping forward and examining the products before Dean could even get them to a table. 

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