16. Felicity Smoak?

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It was a long haul back to Kansas, but Sam had to agree with Dean on this one. They needed help and the Arrow team wasn't going to cut it. "Surely something like this has had to have happened before?"

"Well, they've got nearly everything there is about everything in this library. If it's happened before, it's got to be here." Dean responded, flipping the page in yet another book, his feet propped up on the large table. The pile before them was growing with every unsuccessful attempt at finding this thing they encountered.

Werewolves, Skin Walkers, Shifters, Demonic Possessions - Sam scanned the table of contents before flipping to the first page. Everything that had been wrote in John Winchester's journal about werewolves, plus a little they had come to know on their own - nothing new. He sighed and reached for the beer bottle on the table, taking a long swig before replacing it. It was going to be a long night.


"Nadda, Dean there's nothing here. Maybe they were right and these Meta-Humans didn't appear until the particle accelerator exploded."

"Sammy, do you really believe that?"

"Well what about the Leviathan? I mean, we never saw them until Cas-" Dean held up a hand to silence him.

"But there was lore Sammy, if we looked hard enough there were signs that they existed. There's nothing about these Meta-humans."

"Spiderman, Superman, Captain America..." Dean's look alone silenced him. "I'm just saying Dean, stories stem from somewhere and generally it's the supernatural."

"Don't remind me, don't you think we've got enough on our plate without loading up on comic book lore?"

Sam shrugged and looked at his book again only to jump a moment later at a distinct rustling sound behind him. He grabbed the handgun that sat on the table and spun, only to find Cas standing behind him. Cas peered down at him with bright blue eyes and a slight frown on his face as he eyed the weapon. "Sorry," he murmured. 

Sorry wouldn't cut it though, Sam felt his blood begin to boil. He hadn't even realized he was mad at Cas until now. He turned back around and slammed the gun back down on the table, letting out an angry sigh as if trying to decide what to do with him. He was torn between wanting to beat the crap out of him and forgiving him, as it was incredibly obvious that Cas didn't realize he had done anything wrong. 

"You're angry." He stated in a monotone voice.

"You think?"

"What's wrong?" Dean interjected, looking between the two of them. "Did I miss something?"

"You saved Dean, Cas!" Castiel's frown deepened as he tried to comprehend what Sam was saying. Sam rubbed a hand through his hair in frustration, pushing it back only to have the brown pieces fall into his face again. 

"But Dean's your brother," he finally responded, confident in his answer.

"You let me think he was dead! You told me to walk away Cas!" Sam shouted, unable to contain his anger any longer. 

"I never said he was dead."

"You let me watch my brother burn and told me to leave! You can't un-see that Cas!"

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