20. Not Lucifer

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"Hello? Is this Sam?"

"No Sam here, this is Special Agent Reid - Homeland Security"

"Sam, it's Barry. You need to come back to Starling."

"Why? What's happened?"

"We went after the Meta-wolf, Oliver's in the hospital."

"Is everyone else okay?"

"I think Felicity is pretty shook up, she hasn't been saying much. But other than that we're good."

"Alright, we're on our way, we'll see you-" 

Sam stumbled, the wind knocked out of him as his stomach somersaulted. "Ugh!"

"Damnit Cas! I thought I told you not to do that! You're angel mojo makes me want to hurl!" Sam turned towards Dean's voice and sure enough between the two of them stood Cas. He looked straight ahead which made both of the brothers straighten and follow his intense gaze.

"Wait, you're not angels then?" Felicity asked, a look of slight alarm still lingering on her face. Dean let out a mangled laugh as they took in their new surroundings. Vaguely familiar and yet, completely foreign.

"Angels? I mean I know we're kind of dicks but come on!" He cast a sideways look at Cas and then added, "no offence brother," smacking him on the shoulder reassuringly, though it would seem he didn't need it. 

"None taken."

"So you're not Lucifer then?"

"Wait, you thought-" Dean started, hand out to pause any other conversation. It was then he became aware that Felicity wasn't the only person in the room. Barry, a short guy they didn't know, and Diggle sat on either side of her against a bar. Dean looked around wildly, "where are we exactly?" 

"Upstairs," Diggle said matter of factly and Dean looked around with a new understanding.

"Got it," Sam nodded, eyeing the computer Felicity had open on the bar. "Is that camera footage?" she nodded and shifted to the side a bit to let him see the screen. She set back the footage and played it from the beginning, looking away as it did. Sam and Dean looked on silently, watching as things went from zero to a hundred in a split second.

They watched as Oliver released the arrow and the explosion that resulted from it a moment later. The beast was flung backwards like Oliver and he was forced to shift. Sam and Dean looked on in fascination as the blur that steadied and became Barry flashed in and out in seconds. Dean gave him an impressed look and Barry returned it by eyeing him up carefully, as if unsure they should have known. 

And then what they saw made their stomachs roll. Barry and Oliver were gone now and the man got up and stumbled away, pulling pieces of metal from his mangled flesh as he did so. His injuries should have been worse than Oliver's, the blast point much closer to the beast than it had been to Queen and yet there he was - definitely not dead.

"Well, I guess we were wrong Sammy. This thing's definitely not a Ghoul cross, did you see the piece he just pulled out of his head?" Dean quipped, a look of slight disgust on his face as the man pulled a chunk of silver from his hair with a tug. 

"So what now?" Sam asked, "where did it go wrong?" 

"Hi, Cisco," a short, dark haired guy offered with a small wave in their direction. "I uh, made the arrow." 

"Did you use silver?" Sam asked, arms folded over his chest as he tried to think of new ways to end this hunt and get out of Starling. After the incident with Felicity, they weren't really sure if their presence was doing any more good than it was doing harm. He hoped that they at least got one helpful tidbit from their existence. 

Cisco face lit up momentarily, "Yes actually, I did," his face began to fall again, "but the fletching wasn't pliable enough and it caused the arrow to- well, you saw," he said vaguely gesturing towards the laptop in front of Felicity. 

"So was it the silver or the explosive that took our meta-wolf out?" Diggle asked.

"Now that is the question, and honestly, we don't know the answer." Barry said rather unhappily. 

"This is our best lead so far, I mean this looks like it hurt the meta-wolf the most - that's what we're calling this thing right?" Dean added, taking charge.

"So if that worked, then what else can?"

"Well," Cisco said, "I've been thinking that if the explosion wasn't enough - and he obviously doesn't have as much of an affliction to silver as we thought maybe something more powerful. Like - like a ray gun!" Cisco snapped his fingers and looked at Barry, his face lit up again. "A ray gun, I can do that," he mused, but it was clear his thoughts were already a mile away as he began to wander towards the basement door.

"A ray gun? Dean asked incredulously, looking around the group. "Dear god, how old is this kid?" Dean exclaimed, wondering how they could ever trust him to make a weapon to kill something like this. His phone rang in his pocket and he pulled it out in irritation to see 'Cas' lit up on the screen. Sam gave him a questioning look but Dean just shrugged and answered.

The room went silent as everyone stared at Dean. "No, Cas it was a figure of speech -" he said, running a frustrated hand over his face.

"Why would I want to actually know how old he is?"

"Alright by-" Dean who had obviously been cut off looked at his phone and then at Sam who was now openly laughing at Dean's frustration. 

"Is that what happens when you know an angel? He just answers every question you ask?" inquired Felicity in an innocent voice. Dean saw through it though and couldn't help but cast a dark look her way.

"No, it doesn't work like that." The rest of the room looked on in confusion, and it became very clear that Felicity hadn't told anyone. "They're not like Crowley," he added quietly, before turning away to be met by Sam's disapproving gaze. "Don't give me that look, it's true and you know it. He can't help her."

"Well, you don't have to be a jerk about it!" Felicity snapped, causing Dean to spin in surprise and look at her again. She grabbed her computer and shoved it in her over-sized purse before grabbing her jacket and leaving, her heels clacking furiously on the tiled floor as she headed for the front door.

Diggle turned back on them, his arms folded as he looked at them with a deathly serious gaze. "You two back for good this time, or do you plan on taking off again?" Sam sighed as he looked at the floor before looking up and giving him a tight smile. 

"We're here to gank this son of a bitch!" Dean answered, before Sam could say anything. "So, let's get on it," he commanded, twirling his finger in the air in a 'gather up' motion and pointing towards the basement door. "We've got work to do!"

"So what's your plan?" Sam asked under his breath as they headed towards the basement.

"Call Charlie, then figure out a plan."

"Great plan Dean," Sam quipped and headed down the stairs after his brother.


A/N - Sorry guys, this chapter is kind of crap. Just really wasn't feeling the writing this week. February burnt me out a bit if I'm being honest, plus winter... screw winter, I protest. I've been thinking about doing April Camp Nanowrimo but I can't decide if I should, thoughts?  On one hand it could give me something new to post, on the other it might cause a slow down in posting this story.

In any case, I'm sure I'll make everything up to you in the next chapter! There's going to be some BIG answers, not to mention some Olicity feels! Ya'll ready?

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