28. Priceless

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"You guys should go out one night with the Arrow, you know since saving people is your thing," Felicity said conversationally from her spot on the couch. Dean choked on his beer, leaning forward as he coughed wildly. He waved his hand in front of him before finally catching his breath.

"No, absolutely not!"

"Why not?" Felicity cried back, she wanted to show them her world - the vigilante nights. 

"We don't deal with people," he responded with a shrug.

"What? Why?"

"People are psychotic," Sam responded matter of factly. She felt her eyebrows rise, sure there was a story in there somewhere, but she didn't bother to ask as her mother reappeared. 

"You know, I think it's really good that you guys are going to spend some time together," Donna mused, but Felicity watched in amusement as Dean's eyes stayed glued to the pie in her mother's hands. She had invited the brothers to stay at her house after the night in the woods and it had proven to be an insightful move. 

She had learned that Sam was in fact, quite fond of leafy greens and Dean loved burgers and pie. Where Sam enjoyed reading the classics, Dean enjoyed singing the classics - of rock that is. And the car was a child - Dean's child, meant to be cherished and embraced and kept in the most impeccable order. Oh, and apparently, though Dean liked the company of women, he didn't like the company of people - they were psychotic, or so she had just learned.

Dean moaned as he took his first bite of pie and let himself fall back into his chair. Sam declined a piece but Felicity gratefully took a plate and dug in. Donna and Sam watched in amusement, looking between the pie enthusiasts in disbelief. "Well, we know they're related," Donna surmised with a laugh.

The laughter of companionship was shattered by the incessant ringing of a phone. Dean sighed, the smile falling from his face as he turned his head to pinpoint the sound. Felicity watched with a slight fascination as he disappeared, leaving his own cell phone sitting on the table. Sam's relaxed posture seemed to straighten and Felicity knew something was coming and felt her own amusement slowly deflate.

Dean reappeared a moment later, an old school flip phone pressed to his ear. He glanced at Sam and rolled his eyes, which caused him to relax once again. "No sir, your daughter eloping with the neighbor's boy does not warrant a federal investigation." Dean shifted impatiently, as he waited for the man on the other end to finish speaking. "That's not exactly my area of expertise. I'm generally on the other side of this situation, if you get what I mean," he said, a look of pure amusement spreading across his face. The cocky look dropped and he pulled the phone from his ear and looked at it strangely before shrugging and snapping it shut, the other voice obviously hanging up on him.

"You've eloped?" Donna was the first to ask, and Dean shook his head a firm no.

"No! I'm gone before it gets to that point," he stated rather bluntly, but he couldn't stop the sly smirk that wormed it's way into his features. Sam snorted and shook his head and Felicity just sat back and watched the family style relaxation she had always dreamed of unfold before her. It warmed her at first and then ever so slowly, it chilled her right to the bone. 

If the Winchesters were right, given their impressive death record she assumed they were, this would all be short lived. 23 months til the deal was up and she would lose the family she had only just got. One month already in the wind, it was only now she realized just how short the time she had was. She knew now that she had to try with everything she had to get out of the deal. But what would a king of hell want in exchange for her life? Another? She didn't like that answer either, she couldn't bear the thought of someone sacrificing themselves for her. 

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