13. Queen Consolidated

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Oliver hated them as he watched them step out of the car confidently before making their way off the screen and towards the diner. Felicity, on the other hand seemed happy as ever as she stared down the traffic camera, waiting for their return to it. She had been thrilled to hand them new false homeland security identifications when they had shown up at the office. He had to admit- they were convincing once their faces were shaved clean and they donned their crisp suits. He still wasn't sure how they got past security and to the top floor. 

If he wasn't so known around the area, he might have had a go at the undercover gig himself. Then again, keeping up appearances as the Arrow filled his plate enough. He hated to admit it (and he would never say it out loud) but the more he thought about it, the more he was grateful for the Winchesters' presence. Diggle and the rest could only go so long without the Arrow making an appearance, the city would think something was up.

Through all of his musing, he hadn't noticed Felicity's intense stare. "What?" he asked, meeting her stormy grey eyes. 

"They're legit, you know that right?"

Oliver shifted uncomfortably in his seat. They hadn't spoke about what had happened preceding the events in the diner and Oliver wasn't sure how to feel about it. "I know they saved your life," he responded evenly, not letting go of his stronghold. He looked away, pretending to be engrossed in the downtown traffic rush that had appeared on the screens. He refused to believe that they needed the duo, he refused to believe that with a rap sheet as long as they have, that they were good. Mostly, he didn't want to believe that she had just ran off with them. "What were you doing Felicity?" He asked, struggling to keep his composure.

"Oh, I was just checking the e-mail..." But her sentence died when she saw Oliver's expression as he turned back around. 

"Not today Felicity, last night. Why were you at the diner with them? Why didn't you tell us where you were? I thought - I..." He thought he had lost her, but he couldn't bring himself to say it he couldn't admit that to her. But she knew, she always did, he could see it in the way she looked at him.

She debated on lying to him, telling him that she had called them to meet her. But the gravity of everything that had happened, coupled with the pained look on Oliver's face convinced her otherwise. She took a shaky breath and tried to figure out the words to explain it. She stood and walked to the other side of the room to the window. 

She pressed her forehead against the cool glass and looked out at the city so far, far below them. She knew what she was about to say would hurt him more, so she closed her eyes to avoid looking at him. "I went to look for them," she finally answered, "I had intended to walk to their motel and-"

"And what Felicity?" he prodded, his voice so cold and emotionless it sent shivers down her spine.

"talk to them, I just wanted to talk to them. I couldn't believe they were bad people. Sometimes- sometimes the computer lies Oliver, sometimes the information isn't always right. You should know that, look at where that journal got you." She heard movement but didn't dare look in his direction. He didn't say anything so she took it as her cue to continue. "I was half a block away and someone approached me," she said quietly, the image of Crowley approaching her played through her mind.

Just like him. It hadn't stopped playing in her mind, just like him, just like him, just like him. She heard Oliver's sharp intake of breath and her eyes snapped open at the realization of how close the sound was. She found herself inches away from Oliver's chest, close enough to notice the subtle pattern in his grey tie. She slowly looked up to meet his blue eyes, staring down at her intently.

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